» PRO » How to get yourself a tattoo: can you really do it?

How to get yourself a tattoo: can you really do it?

One of the most common questions when it comes to tattoos is: Can I do it myself? The reason many people consider getting a tattoo is usually because of the sheer cost of tattoos.

With an hourly rate of $50 to $100, most tattoo artists charge $150 to thousands per tattoo (depending on size, color combination, custom design, tattoo location, etc.). So, we ordinary people have to save up a lot of money to get the tattoo of our dreams. No wonder people keep looking for ways to get their own tattoos.

But we want to be honest with you right from the start; we assume that unless you are a professional tattoo artist, you don't know much about tattoos (which is why you are reading this article). Therefore, we strongly recommend that you save up some money and get a professional tattoo.

We know we just stated the obvious about super-expensive tattoos, but the risk of blood-borne infections increases by 100% when an amateur tattoos.

And, to be completely honest, we are not going to give you a detailed guide on how to make a tattoo with your own hands. We think it's too dangerous and the risk of getting sick or infected is too high, and we don't want to be held responsible for spreading false information about how comfortable it would be to get your own tattoo. Instead, we will talk in general about what tattoo artists require for a tattoo, and alternative ways to get a temporary tattoo (which is a much safer option).

Is it possible to tattoo yourself: what tattoo artists usually need

How to get yourself a tattoo: can you really do it?

Again, we emphasize that this is not a guide on how you can tattoo yourself! Unless you're a professional tattoo artist (who already knows how to tattoo and doesn't need this article as a guide), you should save up some money and get a tattoo done professionally. What we want to do in this article is to talk about how some tattoo artists get their tattoos.

Of course, in the case of a self-made tattoo, tattoo artists have all the necessary equipment and work in a safe, clean, sterile environment, which is their tattoo parlor. Getting a tattoo anywhere outside of a tattoo parlor increases the chance of exposure to germs, bacteria and all sorts of airborne infections or any other pathogens (organisms that weaken the immune system and cause infections and diseases).

Of course, they also have access to tattoo guns and the necessary needles to get the desired effects, color, shadows, etc. Tattoo artists also use high quality ink, special disposable ink mixing containers, and more, which makes the tattoo more attractive. . the process is easier. Of course, they need to work with gloves, using isopropyl alcohol and cotton swabs for cleaning, as well as green tattoo soap to disinfect the tattoo area and remove excess ink.

But how do tattoo artists manage to make themselves tattoos?

Well, it's pretty obvious that they can only tattoo areas of their body that they can reach and keep completely straight throughout the tattooing process. So we're talking about areas like the forearm, maybe the thigh area, and other fairly limited areas of the body.

To ensure that the designated area of ​​the tattoo is clean, they should shave off all hair from that area, wash it with warm soapy water, and dry it with a paper towel. They then need to transfer the tattoo design to the skin, after which they can proceed with the tattoo by outlining the tattoo and then filling it in with color and details.

Getting a tattoo can be quite difficult, mostly because of the pain.. Usually we are arranged and react differently to the fact that we ourselves cause pain to our body. However, tattoo artists manage to overcome this feeling and pain, managing to complete the tattoo.

Of course, after they get a tattoo, they clean it, wrap it in plastic wrap, and make sure it stays clean and protected throughout the post-op care and healing process. Of course, if a tattoo artist has tattooed himself on his forearm, it would be unacceptable for him to continue tattooing other people until the tattoo has completely healed. The risk of potential exposure to blood-borne pathogens is too great, especially from other clients.

So, in this case, the tattoo artist needs to rest for a few days, let the tattoo dry and begin to close and heal. The healing process can take up to one month, but in some cases it can take up to 2 months. It depends on the aftercare procedure, the immune system and the immune response of the tattoo artist.

Alternatives to Self Tattoos

As you can see, you really need to be a professional to be able to successfully and safely tattoo yourself. Without the proper training, experience, equipment, and environment, getting a tattoo done by yourself can be very dangerous and risky.

But what is the alternative for those who want to try their hand at tattoos? We would say get temporary tattoos!

Temporary tattoos are a lot of fun, easy, and most importantly, safe. They are performed instantly and can last from 5 to 8 days. All you have to do is purchase your desired design and apply it to your skin following the instructions (you often need to dampen the design sheet, press it against your skin until the design blends in, and let it dry). You can even draw your own tattoo using basic household items like eyeliner, markers, even printer paper, rubbing alcohol, etc.

Temporary tattoos are a great way to experience a tattoo without being tied into the entire tattoo process (including the cost of the tattoo and the pain, especially if you're afraid of it). It's a cheap, fun alternative that we definitely recommend.

If you think temporary tattoos are a good idea, here are some of our favorites for you to try;

  • INKBOX is the best temporary tattoo option on the market. Inkbox creates temporary tattoos that look like real ones. They offer designs from over 400 artists from all over the world, and you can even create your own design if none of them fit your requirements. Inkbox tattoos are semi-permanent. They are also made from a plant-based formula using high quality, skin-friendly ingredients. Because Inkbox tattoos are semi-permanent, they can last up to 2 weeks.
  • Momentary Ink Another brand that offers exceptional temporary tattoos is Momentary Ink. Their tattoos look real too. You can choose from different designs, sizes and even price ranges to suit your needs and requirements. If you don't like any of the suggested designs, you can simply upload your own and create your own custom tattoo. Tattoos will last up to one week and can be easily removed with rubbing alcohol or baby oil.
  • Conscious Ink - If you are looking for a tattoo with a letter/word(s) we definitely recommend you look into Conscious Ink. They offer motivational, inspiring temporary tattoos for everyone. Tattoos are made to FDA cosmetics standards, which means they are safe and free of skin-damaging toxins. Tattoos look like real ones and they are very affordable. They can last 5 to 10 days, or you can quickly remove the tattoo using rubbing alcohol or baby oil.

Final thoughts

So, if you are an amateur or new to tattooing, we definitely don't suggest you tattoo yourself. We know it's a very tempting and daring idea to get yourself a tattoo, but it's actually also a very dangerous idea that can have serious consequences. Tattoo artists do not disinfect or sterilize their salon and equipment for no reason.

They don't clean your skin or put on gloves for no reason. Tattooing safely requires knowledge and experience that you, as an amateur, do not have.

So, if you want a super cool, cool tattoo, be smart. Save up some money, find an inexpensive tattoo artist, and get the tattoo done properly. This will save you a "major headache" later when you realize how painful, messy and bloody the tattoo really is. In addition to preventing infection, a professional tattoo ensures that your tattoo actually looks good and stays that way for life.