» PRO » Tattoo needles - how to choose the right one?

Tattoo needles - how to choose the right one?

This is probably the curse of every novice tattoo artist. Which needle should you choose? Without knowing the corresponding abbreviations and symbols, you may feel like looking for a needle in a haystack ... We hope this text will help you find yourself and choose the best needle!

Difficult start

You have the enthusiasm to learn how to tattoo, you complete the equipment and fall into a black hole choosing the right needles ... Signs such as RL, F, numerical values ​​and even millimeters appear before your eyes. Relax after reading this text, it turns out that really nothing complicated;)


Rarely is a tattoo needle one needle, more often a group of needles. In the past, tattoo artists had to do them themselves, soldering sewing needles or needles to attach insects to boards. Fortunately, you can buy prepared and tested needles today. So, the basics, a tattoo needle usually has more than one or even two ends! These sharp points are called cones. The bumps can be of different lengths, which also affects the way the tattoo is applied. The longer the tip, the less it damages the skin. There are the following types of cones:

- ST / Short Taper / Short Blade Needles

- LT / Long Taper / Long Blade Needles

XLT / Extra Long Taper / Extra Long Blade Needles

Tattoo needles - how to choose the right one? - BLOG.DZIARAJ.PL

Types of needles

Let's start by deciphering the abbreviations RL, MG, F, etc. They refer to the location and configuration of multiple needles. Below is a list of the signs that can be found, and a few words about each of them.

Most popular needles:

RS - Round Shader - needles are located in a free circle

RL - Round Liner - needles are soldered into a tight circle

F - Flat - also called flat, the needles are soldered flat, they are accurate, but be careful not to damage the skin

MG / M1 - Magnum - also called traditional magnum or straight wine bottle, needles are soldered flat but in two rows alternating

RM - Round Magnum - the needles are soldered flat in two rows, the edge is arc-shaped so that when you touch the sagging skin, the ink is evenly distributed, also known as: curved magnum, curved magnum / CM, soft edge Magnum / SEM. MGC


RLS - Intermediate needle between RS and RL

TL - Tight Liner - the needles are very tight.

RF - Round Flat - the needles are soldered flat in one row, the entire edge is processed with an arc as in RM

M2 - Double Stack Magnum - the needles are soldered tighter than in MG, also in two alternating rows

Tattoo needles - how to choose the right one? - BLOG.DZIARAJ.PL

Tattoo needles - how to choose the right one? - BLOG.DZIARAJ.PL

Tattoo needles - how to choose the right one? - BLOG.DZIARAJ.PL
needles 15F and 15MG

Contour, fill, feather

Now that you know what the names mean, you may be wondering when to use each type of needle. Below you will find the usual breakdown, but remember that it is best to test each needle yourself. See which job you do best with which needle, go crazy! Below you will find suggestions, not rules. 😉

To complete circuit RL or RLS needles are the most popular, TL needles are recommended for the most precise work.

When exercising filling you have a wide choice. Magnum needles are the classic choice for fillings and are ideal for precise geometric shapes. If you want low ink saturation, use RS. RLS are great for filling details, while RMs are great for subtle fills and color transitions.

You can also use M1 or M2 for shadingas well as RS and F. If you want a soft shadow effect, RF is a good choice.

How many needles are in a needle?

And the last thing you need to decide when choosing a tattoo needle is the number of attachments. Fortunately, there are no systems or abbreviations, 5 is 5 tips, and 7 is 7. When you buy needles, you will see, for example, the marking: 5RL - this means that there are 5 tips on the needle, soldered in a circle.

Tattoo needles - how to choose the right one? - BLOG.DZIARAJ.PL

You can also get acquainted with this information: 1205RL. Before the number of needles, the diameter of the needle is also indicated - 12, that is, 0,35 mm.

The number of tips, of course, depends on the work you are doing. For small tattoos and detailed work, small quantities are better, such as 3 or 5. Round needles have no more than 18 tips. There are magnums to which you can solder up to 30-40 needles, but then you have to use special rods cut to length.

Tattoo needles - how to choose the right one? - BLOG.DZIARAJ.PL
RL, RS, F, MG and RM needles

Needle diameter

When we talk about the diameter of the needles, we mean a single needle, not the whole set welded together. Always all tips of one tattoo needle have the same diameter. You can find two types of markings: American system (6, 8, 10, 12, 14) and European millimeters (0,20 mm - 0,40 mm). Below is a table showing how the two systems relate to each other. It is, of course, easier for us to navigate in millimeter marks. There are five types of diameter in total, the difference between them is 0,05 mm. The most versatile and commonly used are 0,35 and 0,30 mm. The thickest needle has a diameter of 0,40 mm and the thinnest needle is 0,20.

Tattoo needles - how to choose the right one? - BLOG.DZIARAJ.PL

It is also worth explaining the importance of the diameter of the needle. The thicker the needle, the more it will damage the skin, but at the same time inject more dye. The diameter of the needle is chosen according to the activity to be performed. If you are filling a filling, a thicker needle will do it more efficiently, but for a precise contour it is better to choose a needle with a smaller diameter.


Speaking of needles, one cannot fail to mention the cartridges, that is, the needles already placed in the corresponding beak. Their main advantage is very fast assembly, which is useful for complex patterns, when the type of needle needs to be changed frequently. Upon purchase, you will find the same markings as on conventional needles. You have to decide on the thickness, configuration and number of nozzles.

There are a few more things to keep in mind when using them:

  • in pen machines you can only use cartridges using the appropriate bar and pusher, you can also use them in classic machines
  • Any company cartridge fits any handheld or bar machine
  • they are not recommended for low-level reel machines because the razor must have enough power to push the needle out of the beak, additional tightening of the rubber inside is needed to provide additional resistance.