» PRO » How to draw » We draw a person with a pencil in stages for beginners in full growth

We draw a person with a pencil in stages for beginners in full growth

In this lesson, we will look at how to draw a full-length person for beginners in stages with a pencil using the example of a girl.

Let's take a model. In all the textbooks on drawing anatomy for artists, naked forms are shown, this is in order to study the full anatomy of a person, there is nothing so shameful in this. If you decide to learn how to draw a person, then you will definitely have to work with naked bodies, make sketches of bodies from nature or have videos of models, get ready. Since there are many children on the site, we will take a model in a swimsuit.

To start drawing, you need to know the proportions of a person, there are average proportions that were also brought out in antiquity. The unit of measurement is the length of the head and the height of the body is 7-8 heads. But in fact, people are very different and each time it is very uncomfortable to calculate the proportions, so you have to “fill” your eyes when drawing a body from a photo, or from a living person. Let's not get into it yet, since there are separate lessons, whole lectures on human anatomy, I will give links below.

Let's just try to draw a human body, in this case a girl. I measured the height of the head and laid down 7 of the same segments. She is almost 8 heads tall. Pay attention to where the shoulders, chest, elbows, waist, pubis, end of the arms, knees, feet are.

We draw a person with a pencil in stages for beginners in full growth

To draw the case of a girl, imagine her skeleton, by the way, the skeleton will also need to be studied, but not in great detail, at least the main details. And depict it simply with lines that would show the pose in which the girl is standing. At the beginning, while you are learning, always try to draw this simple body shape. It may seem to you that this is nonsense, but at this stage we already have to trace the basic proportions, it may be that your arms end above the pelvis or your legs are very short, or a long torso is not correct.

1. Draw the head with an oval, we show the location of the eyes with the horizontal line, and the middle of the head with the vertical line. Measure the length of the head with a ruler and set aside 7 more such segments down. Now focusing on the drawing, draw the so-called skeleton of the body. The width of the shoulders is equal to the width of two heads, in men - three.

2. Now, in a simplified way, draw the chest, pelvis, arms and legs, circles show the flexible joints.

3. Erase the original lines and make the very light lines you drew in step 2, just go over them with the eraser. Now we draw the collarbone, neck, shoulders, chest, connect the lines of the chest and the ace on the sides, draw the lines of the legs and arms. Try to repeat all the bends, they are formed by the muscles. Those. to learn how to draw the human body you need to know the anatomy, skeleton and location of the muscles, and how the muscles and bones behave in different movements, postures.

We draw a person with a pencil in stages for beginners in full growth

4. We erase lines unnecessary to us, we draw a swimsuit. This is how you can correctly draw a human body for beginners with the help of such simple constructions.

Let's try to practice some more, just take a different pose, the girl in the middle.

We draw a person with a pencil in stages for beginners in full growth

Click on the image to view the photo in more detail

So, we also start with building simple lines and shapes, pay due attention to this point, take your time. At first, you can bring the pencil to the screen and look at the direction, the slope of the lines, and then approximately also draw on paper. The distance from the toe to the pubis (pubic bone) and from it to the top of the head should be approximately the same, different deviations are allowed, because. people are different, but there should not be strong contrasts. We draw.

We draw a person with a pencil in stages for beginners in full growth

Now we are trying to convey the shape of the body, again I repeat, in order to understand why such bends occur, you must study the human anatomy, both bones and muscles can act.

We draw a person with a pencil in stages for beginners in full growth

Anatomy lessons in Russian:

1. Fundamentals of anatomy master class (basics and an example of drawing from life)

2. Anatomy of the torso (bones and muscles)

3. Anatomy of the arms and legs (bones and muscles)

You also need to learn how to draw individual parts of the body:

1. Eye

2. Nose

3. Mouth

More tutorials in the section "How to draw a person".

Portraits in the "How to draw portraits of people" section.