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How to draw a Spring Trap

In this lesson we will look at how to draw Spring Trap (SpringTrap) from the game "Five Nights at Freddy's" (Five Nights at Freddy's) in stages with a pencil. This Spring Trap is very scary, but I did the lesson as requested. At first I didn’t want to, but then I drew it and there is something in it, probably, those who played the game “5 Nights at Freddy’s” will definitely want to draw it.

How to draw a Spring Trap

So, we draw an oval head, as usual we show the middle of the head and the location of the eyes with lines. Then draw a slanting nose and two circles - these are recesses for the eyes.

How to draw a Spring Trap

Next draw the jaw and head, make thicker lines in dark places.

How to draw a Spring Trap

Draw eyes, teeth, ears and wires that stick out in three places. The ears are uneven, parts of them are missing.

How to draw a Spring Trap

Now paint over the mouth cavity, leaving intact the places where the bars and fasteners go inside the head at SpringTrap.

How to draw a Spring Trap

You can draw the rest of the body, you can not, but on the face, in order to show decrepitude, old age, we need to draw it with very thin lines.

How to draw a Spring Trap

This is how our drawing of SpringTrap from the game "Freddy's 5 Nights" looks like.

How to draw a Spring Trap

See more lessons from this game:

1. Freddy

2 Golden Freddy

3. Foxy

4. Chica

5. Toy Chica

6. Toy Bonnie

7. Puppet