» PRO » How to draw » How to draw a bird - instruction on pictures for children

How to draw a bird - instruction on pictures for children

This is an instruction on how to draw a bird. This will be a relatively simple drawing that both adults learning to draw and children can handle. The bird to which these instructions refer will be a very cute red-bellied bullfinch. So buy yourself colored pencils. First of all, orange, red, brown and gray, because these are the colors that our bird will have after coloring. Also don't forget the pencil and eraser. Because we first sketch each drawing with a pencil.

I also have other forest animal drawing guides. For example, check out the post How to draw a squirrel or How to draw a hedgehog. You can also try drawing a more exotic bird from How to Draw a Parrot.

How to draw a bird? - instruction

In this post I will show you how to draw a bird, more precisely a bullfinch. The red lines are the ones that we will draw in each subsequent step. Do you already have a blank sheet of paper in front of you? If not, grab it quickly, we're about to get started.

Required time: 5 min..

In this post you will learn how to draw a bird.

  1. Draw a slanted P.

    Let's start by drawing in the center of the sheet a shape that looks a bit like an inclined letter P. This will be the spine and head of the bird.

  2. belly and wings

    Now it's time to draw the belly. From the letter P it became a bit like B. Gil is a round bird with a large belly. On the right side, align the flap in the same way as I did.How to draw a bird - instruction on pictures for children

  3. Petiole, eye and beak.

    Mark the eye and nose on the head. Draw a circle and a dash where I am. Draw a long tail at the bottom.How to draw a bird - instruction on pictures for children

  4. Feathers on the wings

    In order for our bird to look like a bird, we will mark it with beautiful feathers on the wing. Then finish drawing the beak. The next step will also be drawing the paws of the bird. Draw two straight lines near the tail. Take a short break and draw two more. How to draw a bird - instruction on pictures for children

  5. How to draw a bird - legs

    Now it's enough to finish drawing the legs. I made this line to mark where the orange belly and head of the bird ends. How to draw a bird - instruction on pictures for children

  6. Bird coloring book

    And he's ready! You have just learned how to draw a bird. Your drawing is now ready for coloring.How to draw a bird - instruction on pictures for children

  7. Painting color

    The last step is to color the drawing. You can follow mine, or you can color your drawing in completely different colors. Have fun.How to draw a bird - instruction on pictures for children