» PRO » How to draw » How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

Have you always wanted to learn how to draw a horse, but was it too difficult? This master class is so simple that even preschoolers can handle it. In addition, it is perfect for drawing lessons at school and kindergarten. If you follow this step by step, you will see that it is not as difficult as you think. Thanks to these instructions, you will be able to draw any animal, even as difficult as drawing a horse. I also encourage you to follow my instructions on how to draw a stork and how to draw a unicorn.

Draw a horse - step by step instructions

To make it easier for you to follow the steps, I'll mark them in red. Thanks to this, you will see what and where was drawn. First, take a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser. I do not advise you to draw immediately with a felt-tip pen or marker, because you cannot erase them with an eraser. At the end, if desired, you can always correct the finished drawing with a felt-tip pen.

Required time: 15 min..

Once you're all set, we can begin our research.

  1. How to draw a simple horse from circles

    In the upper right corner of the sheet, draw two intersecting circles.

  2. Two more rounds

    It's time for the horse's body - the next two laps. Draw large ones and place them roughly in the center of the page. Make one circle rounder - this will be the croup, and the second circle will later turn into the torso.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  3. Two dashes

    Now connect the head, that is, smaller circles, with the body, that is, with larger circles. This is how the horse's neck is drawn. Notice how the lines curve slightly into a slight S.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  4. Ear and bangs

    Draw an ear in the shape of a triangle with a dash in the middle. Connect the two circles on the head with a dash. Make a mane between this line and the ear.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  5. How to draw a horse's mane

    Draw a small triangle behind the mane and use a line to separate the mane. Then we draw a mane on the horse's back.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  6. Draw a horse's tail

    The horse's tail will be in the shape of an S. In the center, make a few lines to indicate the hair on the tail.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  7. Two wheels again

    Draw two circles at the bottom right.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  8. front legs

    Connect the circles with the rest of the drawing. The second circle will be the foot that is behind, so the first circle will cover it a little. Make the lines you are going to draw also in the shape of an arc. How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  9. Step 9 - Draw the Horse

    Draw two lines that diverge slightly. The horse's other leg will be bent, so make these lines at an angle.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  10. Hind legs of a horse

    Complete the front legs by drawing two horizontal lines.

    Then draw two strokes, starting with a circle with a ponytail. Connect the two circles of the body with a horizontal line.

    How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  11. How to draw a horse's hind legs?

    The hind legs of the horse are bent in the opposite direction from us. This is very peculiar, and if you want to draw a beautiful horse, you need to pay attention to it. Also start drawing the other back leg.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  12. Draw a horse's leg

    Now you just need to draw the horse's hoof - that is, two horizontal lines and draw the last leg.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  13. How to draw a horse - details

    Draw the missing last hoof. Then make the eye, nose and face with a smile to make it look nice.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  14. Horses coloring book

    Finally, erase all unnecessary lines. Then you can color the finished drawing.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children

  15. Color your drawing

    Take crayons, felt-tip pens and color your drawing as you wish. If you want, you can follow me.How to draw a horse - step by step instructions for children