» PRO » How to draw » How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step

How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step

Now we will learn how to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step on a branch eating a leaf. A caterpillar is a butterfly larva. In order for a butterfly to become a butterfly, it goes through 4 phases of life, the grinders debug the egg, then after 8-15 days a caterpillar appears. Caterpillars are very different and long, and thick, and hairy, and of different colors, and their lifespan can also be different. Then the caterpillar becomes a chrysalis and only then will it become a butterfly.

See the structure of the caterpillar in the picture below. The body includes a head, three thoracic segments, and 10 abdominal segments. Remember, we need this.

How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step

This is the caterpillar we will draw.

How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step

First we need to draw a branch and a leaf.

How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step

Then the outline of the body shape.

How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step

Draw the head and divide the body, remember what I said to remember above, now put it into practice.

How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step

Now we draw the legs of the caterpillar and from below we form the contour in more detail.

How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step

We show hairiness on the back. We put a shadow on the bottom.

How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step

Above and below the body we apply a shadow, only in a lighter tone, leaving untouched the places where the glare is. Coloring the thread. The drawing of a caterpillar on a branch is ready.

How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step

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