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How to draw a magical girl

Now we will draw the main character of the book "Nina - the Girl of the Sixth Moon" by Mooney Witcher, a girl of a magician, an alchemist or just a sorceress with a pencil in stages.

How to draw a magical girl

Step 1. Draw a circle and divide it with straight lines, then draw the outline of the eyes and nose.

How to draw a magical girl

Step 2. We draw eyes, a mouth and a face contour at the girl.

How to draw a magical girl

Step 3. Now let's draw the teeth, chin line, detail the nose, draw the hair that is on the face, eyebrows and ear.

How to draw a magical girl

Step 4. We draw hair, earrings and a neck.

How to draw a magical girl

Step 5. We finish drawing hair, we draw a collar from a jacket.

How to draw a magical girl

Step 6. The girl Nina holds a magic ball in one hand, a staff (?) in the other, we draw a schematic layout of the arms and hands, the objects should be of real size.

How to draw a magical girl

Step 7. We draw a jacket and hands at Nina.

How to draw a magical girl

Step 8 Detailing the clothes.

How to draw a magical girl

Step 9. Erase all unnecessary lines and detail the attributes of the girl. In the ball we draw the center in the form of a circle, from which the charges depart.

How to draw a magical girl

Step 10. The finished version of the sorceress girl.

How to draw a magical girl