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How to draw Anubis god of death

Anubis is the ancient Egyptian god of death, the patron god of the dead. Initially, he was depicted as a black jackal or a wild dog, because. the ancient Egyptians buried the dead, and jackals and dogs walked around the cemetery at night and dug into the graves, and because of this, people, to put it mildly, did not like them. Therefore, in order to calm people, they invented a god who would walk among the graves at night and guard the dead. It was made black because of the color of the night, and later the color of the deceased during embalming was black. Later, the god Anubis acquired a human body and the god Osiris (the god of the afterlife) appeared, and Anubis became in charge of embalming and leading the soul to another world, he had his own court. The priests of the god Anubis wore masks with the head of a jackal. And now we will comprehend how to learn how to draw Anubis - the god of death and the patron of the dead in stages with a pencil. This is one of the options in which he was depicted on the walls of temples.

How to draw Anubis god of death

Step 1. Draw the head of a jackal.

How to draw Anubis god of death

Step 2. We draw huge ears and a neck. To draw the body of Anubis, we need to draw his skeleton.

How to draw Anubis god of death

Step 3. We draw the torso of Anubis, and the sticks will be his attributes.

Step 4. We draw a cape on hips and feet at Anubis.

How to draw Anubis god of death

Step 5. We draw brushes, a pupil in an eye, an ornament on a neck and hands at Anubis, then we draw paraphernalia, a tail and we detail a cape on hips.

How to draw Anubis god of death

Step 6. We paint over the head of Anubis with a pencil.

How to draw Anubis god of death