» PRO » 30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)

30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)

Focusing on your mental health and self-care has never been more important than during these trials and rather strange times. The world is changing right before our eyes and becomes something completely different compared to the world we knew. Taking care of your mind, emotions, and overall mental well-being can sometimes be difficult.

Many people think that the only way to take care of themselves is to visit a psychotherapist once a week. Others try to switch their focus from mental to physical through training. There is also artistic production that some people rely on for mental healing.

And all these people will be absolutely right. All of these healing channels can be incredibly helpful and lead to transformation. It is always recommended to use various ways and means to improve mental well-being.

So why are we talking about this? Well, in the following paragraphs we will talk about a special, artistic and creative way to improve your mental health, which for some people is a tattoo. Now getting a tattoo, although it may not seem like it, can be a therapeutic act. With it, people gain a sense of control, a feeling that they are finally overcoming obstacles and are actually doing something (visible) for themselves. The tattoo is physical proof of life's battles and the strength and power it took to win.

Tattoos can be a great help in mental health recovery, so we decided to collect some of the best mental health tattoos that you can get inspired by. So, without further ado, let's get started!

Mental Health Tattoo Inspiration

semicolon tattoo

A comma tattoo is, at first glance, a simple tattoo with a punctuation mark. However, there is more than what meets the eye. The semicolon tattoo is actually quite a prominent design that symbolizes experiencing trauma or mental illness. The symbol itself symbolizes that "this is not the end"; as a sentence continues after a semicolon, so will one live after mental illness and trauma.

The history with this tattoo design started with Project Semicolon; a social media movement started in 2013 by Amy Blueel. Amy decided to create a platform and movement where she can inspire people suffering from mental illness, suicidal thoughts and self-harm to keep fighting. Amy herself struggled with mental illness after her father committed suicide and wanted to offer support and solidarity. Sadly, Amy tragically passed away in 2017, but her movement and idea lives on, helping millions of people around the world.

So, if you are looking for a simple, small design that really carries a significant and deep meaning, then be sure to check out some of the semicolon tattoo images that we have prepared for you.

30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)

Tattoo Inspirational Quote

Sometimes all you need to move forward is a few words of encouragement. No more no less. Getting help and staying motivated doesn't have to be difficult; people can find strength and inspiration even in the most mundane things. So, don't just write off a quote tattoo design; this is truly one of the best mental health tattoos you can get.

That's the problem. You can go with a popular, meaningful quote and design choice, right? Or you can use a personal quote, something that someone important to you said, or something you read somewhere. Some you don't even need quotes; one word can sometimes be just as powerful, if not more so.

30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)

A New Beginning tattoo

Mental health illness and general poor mental health can make you feel stuck, and it can be even harder to start living again from that position. In such cases, we can all look at things in life that represent rebirth, renewal, and generally new beginnings. For example, every year the seasons change, and with each new season, winter passes, and spring and summer awaken nature; everything grows again and begins to live to its full potential.

Because being surrounded by such ideas and symbolism is so important when it comes to recovering from mental illness, we decided to mention some of the best “new beginnings” mental health tattoo ideas;

  • Phoenix tattoo - for thousands of years, this mythological bird means "risen from the ashes" and "starting from the beginning." It symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings. Of course, sometimes it's hard to start over, but let the phoenix remind you that even if you can't start over, you can always change the end of your story.
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
  • Butterfly/caterpillar tattoo – nature is filled with the symbolism of “new beginnings”; all we have to do is actually observe and think about it. For example, the symbolism of a caterpillar and a butterfly is inexhaustible when it comes to the theme of rebirth and starting from scratch. Both also symbolize personal transformation and prove that you can truly become a better person despite any obstacles life throws at you.
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
  • lotus tattoo design Most Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism see the lotus as a symbol of rebirth, growth and spiritual/personal evolution and transformation. As the lotus grows from the bottom of the pond, pushing its way through mud, rocks, and rocks to bloom on the surface, it's the perfect metaphor for anyone struggling with mental health and self-esteem. A lotus tattoo can serve as a daily reminder that the struggles you are currently going through are conducive to your personal growth, so you can become the best version of yourself.
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
  • Koi fish tattoo – Koi fish is one of the most famous fish in the East. You may have heard of this in traditional Japanese and Chinese myths and stories in which a fish struggles to overcome obstacles, but in the end manages to survive and live forever. Because of this, this fish symbolizes resilience, overcoming obstacles and adversity, survival and the ability to live a good life after everything that has happened.
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)

Other Inspirational Tattoos

Any tattoo design, as long as it speaks to you and your experience, can be inspiring and motivating. It can be difficult to recommend tattoos to the general public because not everyone is the same. That's why we also wanted to include paragraphs dedicated to random, potentially inspiring and motivational tattoos.

These drawings seem to be all over the place, sometimes even funny and cartoony, silly and downplaying the seriousness of the topic. Despite all this, they still showcase strength, endurance, survival, self-fighting, and everything related to mental health as creativity and part of your personal history. Be sure to check them out and hopefully you'll be inspired by the designs.

30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)

Vera Tattoo

We cannot end this article without mentioning the power of faith in the fight against mental illness. Faith need not be religious; sometimes all you need is to believe in yourself. Not everyone is religious or spiritual, but we all experience hope, hopelessness, faith or disbelief, depending on personal circumstances. A lack of faith can be something we can use to change and then grow personally and prosper.

Lack of faith shows that we want to control our destiny, proving once again that perhaps many problems arise from an overwhelming need for self-sufficiency. Hopelessness and lack of faith usually lead to dark places. So maybe every once in a while you can take a look at your tattoo and remember to have at least a little faith in yourself.

30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)
30+ mental health tattoo symbols and ideas for men and women (semicolon, phoenix, butterfly, lotus, koi fish)

Final thoughts

We really would like to thank all our readers and everyone who has read this article. Struggling with mental illness and living with poor mental health can be devastating for anyone. We hope our short article will help you find a way to deal with the current obstacles. Of course, a tattoo will not solve the problems you have to face, but it will certainly help you overcome them. A tattoo can be a great reminder of who you were/are, how far you've come, how much you've grown and how big you really are. So never give up, believe in yourself and trust the healing process!