» PRO » 17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

Hope is one of the most powerful things on the planet. Hope is the feeling of expecting and wanting a certain event, thing, or feeling to happen. Hope can be applied to many different life events, from love and friendship to vacation or career goals.

Hope means something different to each of us, which is why there are so many ways to represent it in a tattoo.

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The meaning of tattoos that symbolize hope

Tattoos that symbolize hope can have deep emotional and symbolic meaning for those who choose them. Here are some common designs and their meanings related to hope:

  1. Symbols of immortality: Such as the phoenix, reincarnation and rebirth after difficult times.
  2. Birds: Especially the dove, symbolizing peace and hope for the best.
  3. Lotus: This flower is associated with rebirth, purity and spiritual insight.
  4. Arrow pointing upward: Symbol of moving forward and striving for better.
  5. Sunflower: He turns his “head” towards the sun, which is associated with optimism and hope.
  6. Flowers: Especially spring flowers, symbolizing a new beginning and hope.
  7. Tree of Life: Symbolizes vitality, rebirth and hope for the continuation of life.
  8. Quotes or words: For example, “Hope” or “Believe in Yourself,” which remind you of the importance of hope and optimism.
  9. Endless knot: Symbolizes continuity and hope for an endless future.
  10. Hand holding a candle: A candle can be a symbol of light at the end of a dark tunnel, representing hope in times of difficulty.

These tattoos can have different interpretations depending on cultural and personal contexts, but the overall meaning is to symbolize hope for a better future, faith in yourself and your strength, and the belief that even in difficult times, things can change for the better.

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The history of tattoos that symbolize hope

The history of tattoos symbolizing hope goes back to ancient times. Many ancient cultures used tattoos as a way of expressing hope and belief in the power of the spirit. One of the earliest examples of such tattoos are ancient Egyptian symbols such as the ankh and sun disk, which symbolized life, eternity and renewal.

In Celtic culture, nature-inspired tattoos were often worn as a sign of hope for the fertility of the earth and the renewal of life. The Celts also used symbols such as the triskelion (triple helix) to express their belief in the cyclical nature of life and the rebirth of the soul.

In the Japanese tradition, phoenix tattoos symbolized rebirth and hope for a new life after difficult trials. The phoenix, reborn from the ashes, was a symbol of immortality and the endless cycle of life.

In modern Western culture, tattoos that symbolize hope often include flowers, birds, and other elements that are associated with a new beginning and a positive future. Such tattoos can be an important source of inspiration and support during difficult times, reminding you to believe in your strength and ability to overcome difficulties.

The tattoo symbolizes hope

Anchor Tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The anchor has long been one of the most popular tattoo designs. Originally drawn by experienced sailors, anchors represent hope and security, and the ability to stay stable no matter what life throws at you.

When the anchor is lifted out of the water at the port, it symbolizes hope and excitement before starting a new adventure. This is a fantastic tattoo that symbolizes leaving the past and hope for a new path.

Deer Tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

In Celtic culture, the deer is considered to represent hope and rebirth. This is due to the fact that deer antlers fall off once a year, and grow back in spring. A deer tattoo will mean that you will come back, learn from your mistakes and become stronger.

In Buddhism, the deer represents happiness, peace and longevity. In Tibet, deer can help a person solve their problems. These nimble characters are kind, gentle, and associated with gods in many different cultures.

Lily Tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

Lily is a tattoo in the form of a flower, symbolizing hope. It starts as an ugly bulb and slowly grows into a beautiful white flower. In Christianity, the Easter lily symbolizes rebirth and hope. The shape of the flower resembles a trumpet that was blown to inform people of the resurrection of Jesus.

A lily tattoo symbolizes rebirth and hope, especially if you are a Christian. They are mentioned in the Bible, and some believe that they grew up in the Garden of Eden from Eve's tears of repentance.

ginkgo tree

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The ginkgo tree is one of the oldest living tree species known to man. They are a symbol of hope, peace and strength in Chinese culture. Since in Eastern culture it is associated with longevity, it is considered a sign of hope.

The ginkgo tree has an attractive appearance, making it ideal for tattoos, as well as symbolizing the endurance and hope needed for a long and happy life.

olive branch

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The olive branch has long been associated with hope and speed. In the Bible, the branch was seen as a symbol of hope and promise. In ancient Greece, the olive branch was a symbol of peace and victory.

While this tattoo design is often associated with the world, it represents so much more. Branches are used in sports images, symbolizing longevity, victory and achievement. They are also used to symbolize clarity and insight, all traits we hope to have.

rainbow tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

A rainbow appears after a rainstorm, giving us hope that light will come even after the darkest of days. The rainbow symbolizes hope and means that better days are coming. The rainbow is used in the Bible as a sign of hope, but is now more associated with gay rights.

During the worldwide pandemic, the rainbow has become a symbol of hope in these difficult times. The rainbow, also used as a representation of the LGBTQ community and their fight for equality, reminds us that there is always hope and light. A rainbow tattoo can be either a rainbow arc or the colors of the rainbow inked on a meaningful tattoo design.

Read More: 30+ Best Rainbow Tattoo Design Ideas: What You Like Best

Dove Tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The dove represents peace and hope in Christianity. When the rain stopped, Noah sent out a dove to see if there was dry land nearby. The dove symbolized hope after the flood. A dove was also seen descending on Jesus during his baptism.

The dove represents the hope that the dark times are over and that there is a better future for all of us. The dove can also symbolize the beginning of a new life, something that will give us all hope. The dove is often tattooed with an olive branch in its mouth or perched on an olive branch.

Tea Tatu

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The symbol for "tea" is a combination of the Hebrew letters "het" and "yud". This ancient letter adds up to 18, which is considered a lucky number in Judaism. The plural, L'chaim, signifies life and the hope that sustains it, and weddings are toasted.

Tea is a small and inconspicuous symbol, but it is ideal to place it on the wrists, ankles and neck. Some also include the lucky number 18 in this tattoo.

semicolon tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The semicolon has become a symbol of suicide prevention through the work of the nonprofit Project Semicolon. It symbolizes hope and love for someone who is struggling with addiction, mental illness, and self-harm.

Many people get a tattoo for themselves or for others, reminding them that their story is not over yet and there is still hope.

Butterfly tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The butterfly tattoo has many different meanings. He can transform from a caterpillar into a beautiful creature. In Native American culture, the butterfly is believed to convey messages or wishes to the Supreme Spirit.

Butterflies symbolize hope, change and resilience. They are the perfect metaphor for hope and growth. Butterflies are also a sign of good luck; in some cultures, you must make a wish if you ever catch it (but you must also always let it go).

Tattoo Aven

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

Aven is the symbol of the trinity of the Druids. The design is three beams of light enclosed in a circle. He represents the trinity. It can represent heaven, earth, and sea, or hope, faith, and prosperity.

Another interpretation is that the outer lines symbolize both male and female, while the inner line represents balance. This small but unique tattoo is a great way to represent hope and balance.

Peacock Tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The beautiful and bold peacock has many different representations around the world. In Christianity, the peacock symbolizes purity, eternal life and resurrection. When three peacock feathers are joined together, it symbolizes hope, faith and mercy.

In some Christian sects, peacock feathers are placed over the dead to protect the soul from corruption. Aside from their symbolism, peacocks, with their gorgeous gemstone hues, make fantastic tattoos.

light in the dark tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

There is light in darkness, and if there is light, there is hope. This is an old saying that most of us would agree with. From the torch held by the Statue of Liberty to the lantern held by Florence Nightingale, this design can be interpreted in many ways.

The lantern tattoo also symbolizes finding the right path in life, either one's own or helping someone else along their path. If times are dark, tattoo your own light as a way to represent hope.

star tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

The stars can help us find our way home when the night falls. The stars represent hope and a sense of direction. They make attractive tattoos and can be used to create patterns or as one big bold piece of art. Some have only one star, others have the sun and moon added.

The starfish is the tattoo that best symbolizes hope and represents the idea that every journey must have an end. Nautical stars are often paired with an anchor tattoo, both of which symbolize hope.

Medusa tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

Medusa was a fearsome woman in Greek mythology who turned anyone she looked at to stone. Many women consider her to be a powerful figure capable of resisting evil. She is a popular feminist tattoo, giving women the courage and confidence to live by their own rules.

As a beautiful yet fearsome female character in mythology, she is tattooed as a role model, a powerful figure that women hope to become in the future. With her snake hair, she was confident in her beauty and the strength that many women hope to become.

sun tattoo

The sun is our source of light and energy. Without the sun, we cannot survive, it serves as a fantastic metaphor for hope. A sun tattoo can remind you that you can and you will overcome the dark periods of your life.

Sun tattoos are multifaceted and ambiguous. They can be customized to suit your history and your tattoo preferences.

Hope Tattoo

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

Sometimes it's as easy as writing the word "hope" on your skin. This is a short word, but beautiful, with a lot of meaning. You can choose a simple small dainty font or incorporate it into any of the tattoos above.

Just make sure it's spelled correctly and in a font you can read (unless you want a cool psychedelic tattoo that only you can understand). You can choose from a range of fonts, talk to your tattoo artist for recommendations.

More FAQs

What colors represent hope?

17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)
17 Tattoos That Represent Hope (Updated 2024)

All colors matter. Yellow symbolizes hope. In some cultures, the yellow ribbon is displayed by families whose loved ones are at war. Although in some countries yellow is associated with danger.

Green is a relaxing color that often leaves you feeling safe and secure. It is a hopeful hue that promises prosperity and is considered lucky in many cultures. Adding yellow and green to your tattoo is a fantastic way to add some extra symbolism to your hope.

Which celebrity has hope tattoos?

Selena Gomez and the cast of 13 Reasons Why got semicolons tattooed on themselves as a tribute to the mental health issues shown on the Netflix show.

Asia Argento has Hope tattooed on her knuckles, while Rita has Hope's blue ink on her finger. Actress Sarah Paulson wears an asterisk on her leg, symbolizing hope, growth and ambition.

What flowers symbolize hope?

Flowers have different meanings. The following symbolize hope and make perfect tattoos:

  • Chrysanthemums symbolize hope and love, but in Italy they represent death.
  • Iris symbolizes hope, friendship and courage. The Chinese call irises the purple butterfly because it reminded them of an insect.
  • The bachelor's button, or blue cornflower, symbolizes hope for love. According to folklore, a young man could predict the power of a woman's love by wearing a blue cornflower on a button. If the color faded, her love wasn't real.
  • Fruit trees symbolize hope as a cold, dark winter turns into a bright spring day.
  • Snowdrops symbolize hope for a friend in need. They are often given to those who are going through a difficult period in their lives.

How much is my hope tattoo worth?

The average tattoo costs about $250. It may seem expensive, but it's important to choose a reputable and experienced artist. Remember, this tattoo will stay on your skin for the rest of your life. A small tattoo will cost between $100 and $250.

The price of the tattoo will depend on the size and execution time. Tattoo artists usually charge by the hour, but some make tattoos based on the size of the hope tattoo.

How to choose the right tattoo symbolizing hope?

A tattoo is a very personal thing. When choosing one that symbolizes something like hope, you should choose something that symbolizes what hope means to you. This article gives you some ideas, but it could be a lyric or a hopeful memory you once had.

Here are some tips on how to find the right tattoo for you:

  • Look for images online. You can take pieces from other designs and combine them to make one unique pattern. For example, you can take a font from one design and colors from another.
  • A good tattoo artist will be able to create something completely unique, don't be afraid to be bold and creative.
  • Double check what your tattoo means in different cultures, you don't want to offend anyone or change the meaning of your tattoo while traveling.
  • Think about a tattoo design you would have done ten years ago, do you still like it? Remember that this will stay on your skin for the rest of your life. Stick to the design, because once you paint it, it will be very difficult and painful to remove.
  • If you choose a colored tattoo, consider how it will look on your skin pigmentation.
  • Consider accommodation. Will your tattoo fit where you want to get it? Also, some places are more painful to get tattooed than others.
  • Take your time and do your research.

When should I get a tattoo?

You can get a tattoo at any time of the year. We recommend purchasing it during the autumn or winter months. In summer, your skin is more abused, after getting a tattoo, we advise you not to sunbathe, swim and avoid the sun.

How long will my tattoo take to heal?

The healing process for a tattoo is different for everyone. This will depend on your body, the location of your tattoo, and how quickly you usually heal. It usually takes 2 to 6 weeks for the skin to fully heal, so during this time your tattoo will be vulnerable and should be properly cared for.

How do I take care of my new tattoo?

A good tattoo artist will provide you with all the information you need as soon as you get a new tattoo. While your body is healing, you should take care of yourself and make sure you drink plenty of water and nourish your body well.

Be sure to wash your hands before cleaning your tattoo. Pat the area dry, never rub or use a fluffy towel. Let your skin breathe and don't scratch or itch the area, however much you want to.

Stay out of the sun and don't swim in a pool or beach until your new tattoo is completely healed.

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