» PRO » 15 Awesome Anime Tattoo Designs and Ideas for Anime Lovers

15 Awesome Anime Tattoo Designs and Ideas for Anime Lovers

There is hardly a person who does not know what anime means. Anime is a style of animated show that originated in Japan. And while this is nothing new, as anime's roots can be traced back to the 1950s, anime's global appeal has reached unrivaled heights in recent years. This is especially due to the English and native dubbing of the anime show, which made the storyline easier to understand. In addition, the creative aspect of the anime has become a strong point of its popularity.

Who doesn't know and love Pokemon? Well, you might not know, but it's also an anime. Many readers have grown up watching Pokémon that have left a huge mark on their lives. There are thousands of such animated shows that have captured the attention of fans over the years. Thus, it is possible to resonate with the struggle of cartoon characters. And with the rise in popularity of tattoos over the years, it has become common to get a tattoo on the body of your favorite anime.

Now one can easily get anime style tattoos on their body especially if they are devout anime lovers. Powerful imagery can easily show the world what you resonate with. But showing your devotion to an anime or its character isn't the only thing an anime tattoo can do. An anime-style tattoo can also be far-sighted and carry a philosophical meaning. The options are simply endless for one to choose from.

Amazing anime tattoos for you 

But while there are several anime tattoo designs to choose from, this can also make it difficult to find the right tattoo design. And this is quite understandable. There are so many great options to choose from. That's why we've compiled a list of some of the best anime tattoo ideas that you can draw inspiration from. Whether you're looking for something casual or a more subtle tattoo design, you'll find this and everything in between.

No. 1. Goku tattoo on back

Are you a fan of Dragon Ball Z and its protagonist Goku? Well, it's not hard to be a fan of a guy who is strong and loyal to his friends and family. But do you consider yourself the No. 1 of this hugely popular anime character? If so, then you can't go wrong with Goku's full back tattoo. Goku's back tattoo is one of the coolest tattoo designs you can get. Another advantage is that it is also easily recognizable. 

Unlike many anime characters who have a dedicated fan base, Goku is a popular figure. He is easily recognized even by people who are not fond of anime. You can easily choose a full back Goku tattoo that reflects the energy and vibrancy of the character. And thanks to the masterful combination of colors, you can add to its appeal.

 #2 Kakashi Hatake Calf Tattoo

Naruto is one of the best anime of all time; in fact, one could argue that he is at the top of such lists. But nevertheless, there is no doubt about the popularity of this anime. And while there are some great anime characters to go for, Kakashi Hatake is undoubtedly one of the best choices. And the best place for one to get Kakashi

Hatake tattoo on calf. The subdued design of Kakashi Hatake's calf tattoo indicates a trait of the character. Therefore, this should be considered if they personally resonate with the character. Kakashi Hatake's tattoo is easily recognizable because he is an extremely popular anime character. Secondly, its characteristics make it easy to stand out.

Number 3. Alphonse Elric

There are several anime that have a wide appeal. In most cases, an anime will have a certain set of fans depending on its genre. But if one anime broke that trend, it would be Fullmetal Alchemist. Fullmetal Alchemist and the Brotherhood of Fullmetal Alchemist are very popular.

Ask any anime lover and you're unlikely to find anyone who has a negative view of the anime, the storyline, and even the character development. And when it comes to popular characters to draw on the body, Alphonse Elric would be the first on any such list.

An extremely popular character, Alphonse has a metallic body that easily stands out against your skin. His armor is a unique mix of bluish gray hues for a superior metallic finish, especially if one decides to get a tattoo on their arm.

No. 4. Tattoo Goku on the arm and shoulder

We've already discussed the popularity of Dragon Ball Z and its protagonist ideas, so don't be surprised if this isn't the last time you see this tattoo suggestion. Supposing you want to get a smaller tattoo compared to Goku's full back tattoo, you can easily choose Goku in Super Saiyan mode inked on the arm and upper shoulder. This is an extremely vibrant tattoo that can be used with multiple color combinations available to them thanks to the Super Saiyan mode. 

Also, lining and shading with highlights added to the figure to add depth adds a whole new dimension to the tattoo design. And because this tattoo design can be easily stretched across the top of the shoulder and even the chest of a person, it is an extremely versatile option for any person.

#5 Goku's miniature arm tattoo

If you're thinking about getting a small and cute tattoo on your arm, a small Goku tattoo might be what you've been looking for all along. Goku's miniature tattoo is not only attractive, but it is one of the easiest tattoo designs as compared to several tattoo options mentioned here.

This small arm tattoo has a comic book vibe which makes it extremely attractive especially to manga readers. The orange color of the dress dominates here, but also does not suppress other colors in combination. The palette is rich, vibrant and matches the hues, adding an extra dimension to the design.

#6 Black Shenron Dragon Tattoo on Wrist

Not everyone is a fan of large bright tattoos. Some people would rather have a simple yet strong design. And for such people, a Black Shenron Dragon wrist tattoo can serve as a great inspiration.

Black Shenron Dragon, a fan of Dragon Ball Z, is a magical dragon in the series. This is the "Dragon God", an all-powerful being in the series who is not only ferocious but also mysterious. Dragon tattoos have a unique meaning to Far Eastern cultures and Japan is no different. In mythology, they are more revered than feared, and the same applies to this popular anime. 

The black Shenron dragon tattoo is done in classic black with an added tint added to further enhance the design and add more dimension. Now you can also add green skin and red eyes to the design, but if you choose a more classic option, then the result will satisfy you too.

#7. Kishami Hoshigaki Tattoo

While anime lovers may argue about the time given to the character Kishami Hoshigaki in the Naruto series, there is no denying the huge role he played in the storyline. Kishami Hoshigaki is a faithful anime character, also known as the Monster of the Hidden Mist.

He is the kind of guy you can rely on regardless of the opponent you might be facing. He is also a lover of battles, ready to fight and test his opponent at any moment. If that's what you're after, then Kishami Hoshigaki's arm tattoo deserves a look.

With a natural affinity for water and sharks, Kishami Hoshigaki's character offers many opportunities for tattoo artists. Blue ink would work great for this tattoo design. You can also use water as a shadow for the character's figure, giving it a mystical look.

No. 8. Ichigo Kurosaki and Ulquiorra Cypher tattoo

If there's one way to easily define Bleach's storyline, it's Ichigo Kurosaki and Ulquiorra Cifer, especially because of the struggle that defines the plot. Ichigo Kurosaki is the protagonist of the storyline, and Ulquiorra Cifer is naturally the villain. But while it may seem simple, there are nuances to both.

This is probably why Bleach has a reputation for being an addictive and well-made anime. And the best way to pay tribute to the anime is to get Ichigo Kurosaki and Ulquiorra Cifer tattooed on the body.

There are several different fan art to draw inspiration from when it comes to Ichigo Kurosaki and Ulquiorra Cifer's tattoos. The only thing to keep in mind here is not to emphasize one over the other and ensure a rich mix of colors in the tattoo design.

#9. Pikachu Tattoo

Now you should have anticipated this. There are few more reliable pieces you can count on than Ash's Pokemon tattoo partner. Pikachu isn't just another one of the lost line of Pokémon that Ash befriended on his journey to become a Pokémon master.

He is the first of Ash's Pokémon, but more importantly, he is a friend you can rely on no matter the situation. No matter what opponent Pikachu faces, he never gives up no matter what, and it's no surprise that he emerges victorious in the end. So, naturally, there are simply no cons for choosing a Pikachu tattoo.

In addition to being a great anime figure, a Pikachu tattoo also allows you to showcase a rich, vibrant tattoo to the world. As readers know, Pikachu is an electric Pokémon that gives the artist wide creative freedom. You can get a simple and cute Pikachu tattoo with yellow ink, or you can add some lightning bolts to the mix to showcase a powerful attack. There are so many options to choose from, especially when it comes to Pikachu tattoos.

#ten. Gengar Tattoo

Now, this suggestion may come as a surprise to many blog readers, and it's understandable why that is. Gengar isn't the first Pokémon that comes to mind when talking about the series. This is not a loving and cute character, like Pikachu, and not even very strong.

One could even argue that it's not something one particularly likes, especially due to the creepy skin that Gengar always seems to possess. And with the addition of red eyes and a purple figure, it gives a more demonic look than a Pokémon. But this is exactly the case when it comes to the Gengar tattoo. This is a unique tattoo design that you can be sure that few anime lovers would get a tattoo on their body.

And no matter what one thinks of this Pokémon, there's no denying that it's a cool character on the show with a slightly mischievous side. A great option for people who resonate with this, this tattoo also allows them to opt for an austere tattoo option and a color combination that is not often used in the tattoo industry.

#11 Hunter x Hunter Anime Tattoo

Hunter X Hunter is an extremely popular anime that has done an incredible job of promoting anime culture around the world. While there's no doubt that Pokemon should be given credit for making anime a household term, it's more like a kid's anime with a broad appeal.

Shows such as "Hunter x Hunter" have made the difficult task of bringing a more mature audience to anime's appeal. Its appeal can also be seen in how quickly Netflix grabbed the rights to the show.

If you are a fan of the show, the best way to show your devotion is to get a massive Hunter x Hunter anime tattoo on your arm. This tattoo is inked on the arm of every main character in the show, reminding everyone of the adventures of Gon the main character and his friends, as well as their battle against the show's antagonist. This is a classic tattoo done with black tattoo ink and highlighted to add an extra dimension to the design. You just can't go wrong with a Hunter x Hunter anime tattoo design.

#12 Mai Sakurajima Bunny Tattoo

There wouldn't be a single anime fan who would turn down Mai Sakurajima. Mai Sakurajima is an extremely popular anime character and a high school student. Favored by fans of the anime community, the Mai Sakurajima Bunny Costume is extremely popular.

The perfect blend of femininity and romance, as well as mischief, making it a great combination for an anime tattoo. This is a rich tattoo with a vibrant color combination making it a great one person anime tattoo option.

#13 Antihero Tattoo

The world isn't black and white, it's a different mix of grey, and that's the point of being an anti-hero in the storyline. And one of the most popular anime antiheroes is Lelouch from Code Geass. Lelouch is a complex character in anime.

However, two things about him are undeniable: his devotion to his loved ones and his ruthlessness. Lelouch is one of the smartest anime characters who defies the status quo and doesn't hesitate to get his hands dirty no matter the situation. His caring nature and cunning in getting rid of enemies are two sides of the same coin, giving the character a mystical tinge.

It's the same with Lelouch's anime tattoo. It's easy to find plenty of fan art to draw inspiration from in their tattoo design, but if there's one thing you need to be sure of, it's to do justice to the character in your tattoo design. Make sure the tattoo shows not only the mystical side of the character but also their human side.

No. 14. Anime symbols

If you are comfortable with getting a character tattoo on your body, then there are several different anime designs you can go for. Naruto eyes could be a fantastic tattoo design for Naruto lovers.

If you are a fan of the Fullmetal Alchemist, then you can always opt for the widely popular State Alchemist tattoo design or even the Alchemy Circle. You can even play pokeball - the options are just endless.

The only thing you need to make sure is that you keep the minimalist design. This is important, especially if you don't want the end product to be mistaken for something else. Just choose a minimalist design for your anime logo and you're good to go.

#15 Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur Tattoo

Fans of the show will understand the significance of this tattoo. Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur are the starter Pokémon you can choose from. And besides Pikachu, these are all Ash's Pokémon. The connection between them is quite strong, which can be seen from the design of the tattoo.

Along with Pikachu, they are one of the series' most familiar characters. So, naturally, you can't go wrong with choosing a tattoo that contains all four. This design consists of four elements: electricity for Pikachu, fire for Charmander, water for Squirtle, and grass for Bulbasaur, a variety that every Pokemon fan loves. While you can go for the battle sequence of these Pokemon, it's the adorable design that works best.

To sum up 

As an anime lover, you have many tattoo designs to choose from. Now find the best of the above that suits your personality and get your skin tattooed like a pro.