» Piercing » Everything you need to know about bridge piercing

Everything you need to know about bridge piercing

Bridge piercing (also known as earl) is a body modification that was very popular in the 90s and is now gaining popularity again! This is especially true of Newmarket and Mississauga and their environs.

Despite the rise in popularity, bridge facial piercings are still a great option for those looking for a unique look that fewer people will wear. It's a little more "out there" than a septum piercing and a little bolder than a nostril piercing, making it popular for those looking for something a little different.

If you're thinking about getting a bridge pierced, read on to find out everything you need to know.

What is a bridge piercing?

The nose bridge piercing is positioned horizontally across the bridge of the nose. This is an anatomically dependent piercing that passes through the flesh at the top of the bridge of the nose. It's worth noting that this is why the risk of piercing migration can be higher than with other piercings, as most people don't have much flesh in the area for the piercing to sit on.

Does it hurt to get a bridge piercing?

The good news for anyone considering a bridge piercing is that, despite its seemingly sensitive location, bridge piercings generally don't score too high on the pain scale. While the bridge piercing appears to go through bone, it is simply under a thin layer of skin on the nose. The piercing does not go through the bone, only through the epidermis and dermis.

If a freehand or forceps technique is used during the piercing, there is likely to be some pressure and you may feel some discomfort between your eyes, and you may experience pain afterwards as well as some swelling between the eyes.

If you experience swelling between your eyes after the piercing is completed, you may feel a little soreness or discomfort. Ibuprofen or paracetamol should relieve discomfort.

What types of jewelry are available for bridge piercings?

Bridge piercings can be a versatile form of body modification and there are countless ways to wear them with pride in Newmarket, Mississauga and around the world.

Here are just a few…

Horizontal bridge piercing

The most traditional way to wear a bridge piercing is horizontal, with stud beads between the eyes. This gives a cool symmetrical look between your eyes.

forehead piercing

This piercing is located higher on the forehead. Usually in the middle part where it is flattest. This is very anatomically dependent as you need to have sufficient skin flexibility to allow proper insertion and healing.

Next to eyebrow piercing

A horizontal bridge piercing can look amazing when paired with any existing brow piercing.

With lock

If you don't want your piercing to be visible, you can wear a retainer. This will save the piercing and no one will be able to see it.

Is my bridge piercing bar too short?

The length of the bar will depend on the width of your bridge or the type of piercing you want. If you think your bridge piercing bar is too short and you're in or around Newmarket, Mississauga, drop by chat with a member of the Pierced.co team and we'll be happy to advise you.

What care is needed?

A bridge piercing, like any other piercing, comes with risks. There are a number of risks associated with a bridge piercing that you should be aware of.

What is the risk of infection?

There are risks with all piercings, but proper and consistent aftercare and not touching it while it heals will go a long way, it is also important to avoid immersion in water throughout the healing cycle, and wearing glasses should be done with extreme caution. sleeping on the face, makeup, cosmetics can all have an effect, following the piercer's instructions and checkups is the key to a happy and healthy piercing.

Our Favorite Facials

Will there be swelling after a bridge piercing?

Many people have problems with swelling between their eyes after a bridge piercing. You may feel a bit like you've been hit! But don't be afraid, it will pass with time and you will be able to admire your amazing piercing. If you experience any discomfort, painkillers will help you.

Should I be concerned about a bridge piercing causing irritation?

Try not to touch or play with the piercing until it has healed. To avoid irritation, choose fragrance-free, alcohol-free, and dye-free products recommended by your piercer. These should be the only things that ever touch your piercing.

Final thoughts

If you are in Newmarket, Missistuga, Toronto or nearby areas and are worried about your piercing, stop by to chat with a member of the team. You can also call the Pierced.co team today and we'll try to answer any questions you may have.

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