» Piercing » Your Guide to Lip Piercing

Your Guide to Lip Piercing

Lip piercing was first seen about 3000 years ago, when it was worn by men and women who lived on the Northwest coast of America. Back then it meant various things like wealth or social status.

These days, labret piercings are a popular piercing choice among Newmarket and Mississauga, Ontario residents and are proudly worn by people from all over the world.

What is a lip piercing?

Lip piercing is a small hole below the lips, above the chin. It is sometimes also referred to as a "chin piercing" although it is technically above the chin.

Contrary to what many people think, a labial piercing is not located on the lip itself and therefore it is usually classified as a facial piercing and not a lip or mouth piercing.

Lip piercings are most often done under the lower lip, but there are other variations of this piercing, which we will discuss below.

What types of lip piercings are there?

Vertical lip piercing

Unlike a standard lip piercing, a vertical lip piercing actually goes through the lower lip. If you want a vertical lip, the barbell should ideally be slightly curved in shape so that the piercing sits more comfortably and securely in the natural curve of your lip. A vertical lip usually shows both sides of the barbell, with one side appearing above the lower lip and the other appearing below the lower lip.

Lip Piercing

A side lip piercing is very similar to a standard lip piercing, but is unique in that it is located (you guessed it!) on one side of the lower lip instead of in the center.

How to remove a lip piercing

When you are about to remove your lip piercing, first make sure your hands are clean and nice. Then carefully pinch the back plate with your teeth and rotate the bead to unscrew it from the stem. Keep twisting until the bead comes off. At this point, you should be able to push the bar forward. It may take a little practice at first, but don't worry, you'll get the hang of it quickly.

One word of caution: be careful not to pull on the skin around the piercing when removing it. If you're having trouble removing your lip piercing and you're in Newmarket, Ontario or nearby areas, drop by our store and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help.

Does it hurt to get a lip piercing?

The pain from a lip piercing is generally considered to be minor compared to other types of mouth or mouth piercings. While each person's pain tolerance and sensitivity is unique, most people describe the sensation as a quick tingling sensation. And when it's done by a professional like our Pierced.co team from Newhaven, Ontario, you'll be in good, caring hands.

We want to point out that you may experience some pain or discomfort in the first few days after your piercing. This is completely normal, along with some swelling or bruising. The area may also throb, bleed a little, and/or be tender to the touch.

How to care for a lip piercing

If you want your lip piercing to look amazing (and we're guessing it does!), it's important to take care of it, especially while it's healing. Taking care of your piercing is easy if you follow these simple steps:

  • We know it's tempting, but try not to touch or play with your piercing too much, especially if you haven't thoroughly washed your hands first.
  • Use natural, skin-sensitive products to gently clean the piercing, especially while it is healing. Warm saline works great when applied with a cotton swab or Q-tip.
  • When wiping your piercing, use a clean paper towel.
  • Use saline mouthwash
  • Leave your original stud until the piercing heals.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol, and spicy foods while your piercing heals.
  • Be careful when eating, especially if the piercing hurts.

Lip Piercing Jewelry

Where to Get a Lip Piercing in Newmarket or Mississauga, Ontario

If you're concerned about lip healing and you're in or around Newmarket, Ontario, stop by to chat with a member of the team. You can also call the Pierced.co team today and we'll try to answer any questions you may have.

Piercing studios near you

Need an experienced piercer in Mississauga?

Working with an experienced piercer can make a big difference when it comes to your piercing experience. If you are in

Mississauga, Ontario and have any questions about ear piercings, body piercings or jewelry, call us or stop by our piercing studio today. We would like to help you understand what to expect and help you choose the right option.