» Piercing » Stay calm before and during your piercing

Stay calm before and during your piercing

 Anxiety, anxiety or fear. Whatever the reason, it's easy to get angry before a piercing, especially before your first piercing. So it's a common thing when your nerves are a little on edge.

However, as easy as it is to clean up before a piercing, it's important to do your best to stay calm and relaxed.

Why is it important to remain calm during a piercing?

Fear of injections is common. Doctors and nurses tell stories of people who were so nervous before an injection that they passed out. Increasing anxiety and a sudden drop in blood pressure can cause nausea or fainting. It's rare, but the same thing can happen with piercings.

Although fainting is rare, anxiety can have other consequences. Changes in blood pressure can lead to excessive bleeding. If the anxious client reacts physically (i.e., withdraws), this can lead to serious errors.

Fortunately, there are simple ways to reduce anxiety before and during a piercing. We offer some tips and exercises that everyone can use.

Calming tips and exercises


Years ago, meditation seemed like an almost mythical practice. He conjured up images of monks who took years to reach enlightenment. Today, meditation is seen in a much more accessible light.

Although the more you practice, the more benefits you get, even a beginner can benefit. Reducing stress and controlling anxiety are the simplest benefits of meditation. And they are perfect for calming down before a piercing.

There are many free meditation apps available to help you relax anywhere. Plug in your headphones, close your eyes, and use meditation to calm yourself down before your next piercing.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are another easy way to calm your nerves. If you have tried yoga, you are probably familiar with this practice. Yogic breathing offers many relaxation techniques. Here is a simple calming breathing exercise that anyone can learn:

  1. Stand up or sit up straight.
  2. Inhale slowly through the nose, inhaling deeply into the lungs and filling them.
  3. Hold your breath while counting to 4.
  4. Exhale to a count of 8. Exhale slowly through your mouth, emptying your lungs and relaxing your face, shoulders, and chest.

Repeat this technique 8-12 times, focusing solely on your breathing. Pay attention to how breathing affects your body. You can leave your eyes open or closed.

Pre-treatment after care

One of the best ways to mentally prepare is to act physically. You can take control and calm down by preparing all your needs in advance.

Buy piercing care products and needs and prepare them at home before you go to the piercing store.


The adult body is 55-60% water, but we tend to underestimate the impact of having enough water. Drinking water is naturally soothing, helping to reduce the intensity of anxiety.

During periods of anxiety, your body consumes more resources, so increasing hydration helps calm your body during times of stress. Make sure you drink enough water and bring a bottle of water to the piercing parlour.


Stress or anxiety before a piercing affects your body by restricting blood flow and causing muscle tension. Take some time to stretch your body to relieve tension and allow you to physically relax.

By eliminating the physical symptoms of penetrating anxiety, you can reduce your overall stress levels.

Avoid caffeine/stimulants

Most of us cannot start the day without a cup of coffee. While it's a good way to start your day, it's a bad idea for those who have pre-piercing shivers.

Caffeine and other stimulants are best avoided if you are nervous or anxious. Stimulants increase levels of stress hormones, increasing anxiety. Drinking coffee doubles the levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and adrenaline in the blood.

A cup of coffee is a calming drink, but when stress levels are already high, it is best not to drink it. Instead, consider decaffeinated tea for relaxation or hot chocolate for comfort.

Find a professional piercing shop near you

One of the most effective ways to reduce piercing anxiety (as well as improve safety and quality) is to find a professional piercing shop near you. It's nice to know that you trust your body to experts. 

At Pierced, safety and sanitation are our top priority. Contact us to schedule an appointment, or visit our Newmarket store and get pierced today.

Piercing studios near you

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Working with an experienced piercer can make a big difference when it comes to your piercing experience. If you are in

Mississauga, Ontario and have any questions about ear piercings, body piercings or jewelry, call us or stop by our piercing studio today. We would like to help you understand what to expect and help you choose the right option.