» Piercing » Which side of the nose should be pierced?

Which side of the nose should be pierced?

So you finally settled on the perfect nose piercing. You know what type you need and have chosen the coolest piercing jewelry. But there was one question, which side of the nose to pierce?

The apparent lack of difference between left or right side nose piercings can lead to selection paralysis. The difference seems trivial, and the result of piercing either side is similar enough that neither is clearly superior. This can make the choice difficult.

Reasons to choose one side or the other

As a general rule, the best side for a nose piercing is the one you prefer! But if you're having a hard time making a decision, there are a few factors that can help narrow down your options. The two main reasons for choosing a side are culture or aesthetics.

The cultural significance of nose piercings

Nose piercing has a long history of cultural significance. They have a long history in Middle Eastern and Hindu cultures and are even mentioned in the Bible.

In the Hindu tradition, women usually pierce the left side of their nose. It has to do with Ayurveda. Ayurvedic medicine is a holistic system that dates back thousands of years and connects mind and body. 

There are claims that a left side piercing can relieve the pain of menstruation and/or childbirth. However, it is unclear whether this is a real belief from Ayurvedic medicine or an idea that was introduced when it was introduced to the Western world in the 1960s. In Hindu culture, choosing the left side has more to do with tradition than effect.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the left side was considered feminine and the right side was considered masculine. Some people use this as a reason to choose left facial piercings for women or right facial piercings for men. However, there is really no masculine or feminine side in modern culture.

If you find that one side matters to you for personal or cultural reasons, this may be a good choice for a nose piercing.

Nose piercing selection by Aesthetics

Aesthetic considerations when choosing which side of your nose to pierce usually come down to the shape of your face. It may also take into account your hairstyle, facial features, or other piercings.

Face shape

Owners of a symmetrical face piercing will look equally good on both sides. But for those with asymmetrical faces, nostril piercings usually fit one side of the face more than the other. In this case, you can try wearing an artificial nose ring and see which side you like better. 


If you have a hairstyle that covers part of your face, you might want to get your nose pierced on the opposite side. This improves visibility and adds visual balance. 

Keeping hair out of a fresh piercing is also essential for a hassle-free healing period. For more information on aftercare and healing of a new piercing, click here!

Remember: Healing a healthy piercing starts with using the right piercing products. Buy our recommended care products by clicking here. 

Facial features and other piercings

Another aesthetic consideration is what is in the landscape of your face. If you already have moles, piercings, or other distinctive features on one side of your face, getting a nostril piercing on that side can create a more cluttered look. You can pierce the opposite side of your nose.

If you have other facial piercings, you may also want to consider what kind of jewelry you are going to wear for your nostril piercing. You may want all of your jewelry to match or complement each other. You can do it:

- Matching the metal of your nose jewelry with your ear or other facial piercing jewelry

- Wear jewelry with precious stones of the same color.

You can buy all of our nose piercing jewelry options by clicking here.

Split the Difference

You don't have to choose one side of the nose. There are a couple of options that share the difference. It's not uncommon for people to balance their nose piercings with one piercing on each nostril. Another option is to pierce the middle.

A septal piercing pierces the cartilage between the nostrils. From Lady Gaga to Zoya Kravitz, septum piercings are always in style. Even Kylie Jenner has been spotted wearing septum jewelry.

Another option is a bridge piercing. The bridge piercing goes through both sides of the nose. A barbell or curved barbell with beads on either side of the nose is usually used.

Where to Get a Nose Piercing in Mississauga

Where you go to get your piercing matters more than where you get it. Protect your health and the long-term aesthetics of your piercing with a clean, professional shop. The best piercing parlors in Mississauga, Ontario follow meticulous rules and hygiene regulations.

Book your next one with us online by clicking here. 

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