» Places for tattoos » Women's and men's tattoos on the shoulder blade

Women's and men's tattoos on the shoulder blade

A tattoo on the shoulder blade is a fairly good choice for several reasons at once. First, it is a good place for a medium to small drawing. Scorpio, flowers, the head of a wolf or a tiger are just a few of the sketches for the shoulder blade. Another plus is that there is a lot of free space around this zone, and the tattoo can partially crawl out beyond the scapula. An example of such an image is - lizard or dragon, the tail of which ends in the mid-back region.

Thirdly, it is an ideal place in terms of practicality. People around you will see your tattoo only on the beach or in the sauna.

However, it begs obvious disadvantage tattoos on the shoulder blade: if you make a small drawing in a separate area, you thus abandon the large picture on the whole back. If you really want to have a high-quality volumetric pattern on your back, but for some reason you still cannot decide on such a desperate step, you should not waste your time on trifles.

Tattoo on the shoulder blade for girls

For girls, tattoos on the shoulder blade are almost the best option for tattooing. On the one hand, this is a fairly conservative place, the drawing on which will always look modest and neat. An inscription or a hieroglyph will also look great here.

An example is Angelina Jolie's tattoo on her shoulder blade. In some styles of women's clothing, the tattoo in the area of ​​the shoulder blade will peek out slightly from under the clothes, teasing men's looks and arousing interest in its owner.

The good news for the girls is that in the process of tattooing this area, you will feel a minimum of pain, although the issue of pain is absolutely individual. Summarize:


Photo of tattoo on shoulder blade for men

Photo of tattoo on scapula for women