» Magic and Astronomy » zodiac summer love

zodiac summer love

Summer, sun and… summer adventures. We are all looking for rest and relaxation, especially after a few months at home. Summer love is not only a rush of the heart, but also a way to improve your mood. So: romance, serious relationship or just sex? Or maybe you don't waste your time on it? A lot depends on your zodiac sign!

zodiac signs summer love

Sheep does not waste time - the vacation is so short. He falls in love in five minutes and rushes to the heart. From one destination to another.

Bull he is very cautious in holiday romances. If he decides that he has something to lose (spouse, children, home), he will remain faithful.

Twin he's been looking out for several people since day one, and he continues to meet new people, talk to strangers, and flirt with them throughout the trip.

If Cancer the heart will beat faster, it is carried away by the mood of the moment, but believes that this is true love, forever ...

Lew he blushes, his torso protrudes, his muscles tense. Fabulous, promises a diamond ring and a wedding. In a word, he will not mention that he has a wife and children.

Cream she's not going to waste time flirting and nothing will come of it. The statistics are merciless. 99,99% of summer love ends with a departure.

for weight a vacation without romance is lost. She fleshes, seduces, throws flirtatious glances. Many catch them, so they have plenty to choose from.

Scorpio in the resorts, he is looking not for love, but for sex without obligations. When he bends over someone, sooner or later he will drag him into bed.

Arrowslinger goes to the element. If there is a holiday romance - great, if not - also beautiful. He plans nothing and regrets nothing after the fact.

In youth Capricorn at best, he will look for an attractive "product". However, when a midlife crisis overtakes him, he goes insane and betrays power on vacation.

curious people shoer he talks to everyone, tempts, flirts, fools his head, and when it comes to something, then all you can do is hold hands.

Pisces they are afraid to make friends because who knows who they will find. So at best, in his vivid imagination, he is experiencing a hot holiday romance.