» Magic and Astronomy » Protect yourself from bad luck

Protect yourself from bad luck

How to cleanse yourself energetically in the spring and protect yourself from trouble?

smash a few birch branches (preferably during the new moon) and make them a rag. Have someone you trust wash him from head to toe, saying: “I sweep away bad luck and bad luck (your name). Since then, he has been free of them."

After such a ceremony in the apartment for three evenings, died or sandalwood incenseand then all the bad energies will go away.

They also protect against bad luck:

* Herbs: verbena, sage, bay leaf, wormwood.

They should be worn directly on the body in a silk or cotton bag.

*stones: turquoise, carnelian, black or smoky quartz, malachite, red coral.

It is worth choosing jewelry with these stones and wearing them directly on the body.

* positive affirmations (“I’m lucky”, “I can handle it”, “I can handle it”, etc.)

The most important thing is not to think of yourself as an unlucky person, because constantly repeating thoughts can shape reality.



  • Protect yourself from bad luck
    Protect yourself from bad luck