» Magic and Astronomy » lavender spells

lavender spells

Conspiracies with lavender for money, love, dreams! Simple and effective

Conspiracies with lavender for money, love, dreams! Simple and effective.

In summer, I put pots of lavender on the balcony. It not only smells good, but also repels mosquitoes. And at the end of August I dry her flowers and make fragrant sachets. And from time to time I use a few sprigs of this amazing herb for magical procedures. Believe it or not, they are effective.

Lavender is good for love

Some time ago, my friend's daughter confessed to me that her fiancé was going to leave her. He walks gloomy, postpones meetings, someone saw him with some girl ... And can something be done about this? Well, if the guy decided to leave, then white magic will not help. But if he hesitates, because he wants that and that which seduces him, that is, he becomes stupid, then the situation can be saved.

What works best for guys? Fragrances. And especially lavender scent he draws them almost magically. So I gave the girl a bouquet of freshly picked lavender to carry with her when she was with her fiancé. And I advised him not to show him a sad face, not to reproach him, because the competitor is certainly cute and attractive. And guys are simple creatures, they don't like difficulties. Why would she marry an adventurer if she has a cute cat? She obeyed and two months later invited me to her wedding. As a gift, I brought her a lavender talisman for a happy marriage. That was five years ago, and they are still like newlyweds. This is the power of lavender!

Evil eye protection

Bathing in a decoction of lavender perfectly cleanses from bad energies, protects from envious eyes. Placed under the pillow, it provides sound sleep, as well as the fulfillment of desires. It is enough to fall asleep with a desire in your head, and if you dream about it, it will also come true soon. As long as it's within our reach, of course. Let's be reasonable.

lavender incense provide a calm atmosphere at home, calming mood and reducing stress levels. Scientists also said that you should sniff this herb as often as possible, because its aroma supposedly prolongs life.


Lavender on money

Attracts money if you constantly carry it in your bag!

Talisman for a happy marriage

Light a white candle to clear the space and add the power of the fire element. In a wooden bowl put: three sprigs of fresh lavender, seven red rose petals, three sprigs of thyme, seven elder flowers, two sprigs of yarrow, three sprigs of verbena, a teaspoon of ground cardamom, dandelion root, a stick of crushed cinnamon.

Mix it all up thinking about how happy a marriage should be—peaceful, true to yourself, rich in money, children, and health. That he does not obey the evil wishes of his enemies or the evil arrows of fate. Finally, say: Yes, it will. Amen. Pour everything into a linen bag and tie it with five ribbons (threads) of the colors of the four elements: red, green, blue, brown and purple, the colors of the mind and will.

A bag give a gift to the bride and groom on their wedding day. If the marriage is long-standing and needs support, add angelica root to these herbs, which has the ability to reverse bad energies, heal situations and feelings, and attract happiness.

Flower jar to make your wishes come true

During the full moon in Aquarius, raise sprig of lavender and lift it into the sky, asking the strong Moon to fill it with magic and power. Pour a tablespoon of oil into a jar and put the lavender in it. Close the jar and put in a dark place.

When the next new moon arrives, remove the jar from the storage compartment and take a white or lavender candle. Pour the oil from the jar onto the candle and say the dream out loud. Light a candle, looking into the flame, think positively about its accomplishment. The universe will surely listen to you.

Elvira D'Antes

  • lavender spells