» Magic and Astronomy » Amber, mint, cloves - will improve the atmosphere at work

Amber, mint, cloves - will improve the atmosphere at work

The boss grumbles and grumbles, colleagues look askance, and the work does not go at all? There is a remedy for this! Here are some simple and natural ways to improve your work environment. You will immediately feel better!

A bad work environment not only ruins our day, but also makes it difficult to complete the tasks assigned to us. Everyone is losing it. So if you feel that something is in the air, the atmosphere becomes heavy and nothing works - act! Here are some simple ways to effectively dispel a bad mood.

  • Dinner it is a stone that helps relieve tension among colleagues. 

    So you can wear an amber necklace. Placing a bowl with crumbs of raw amber on the table will also help. 


  • Aroma has a similar effect. mint or peppermint oil. Make frequent use of mint tea or use a scented fireplace.


  • To protect yourself from the harmful effects of rumors, just in case, sprinkle a few drops of oil on the inside of your shoes. Clove.