» Magic and Astronomy » You can even grow a jungle in your apartment by the phases of the moon!

You can even grow a jungle in your apartment by the phases of the moon!

You fertilize, water, talk to her, and the cute monstera languishes? What would you plant in your garden and it would still wither? Are you throwing your favorite hobby to hell because you don't think you have a hand for plants? Wait! Take care of the plants according to the phases of the moon and everything will grow. Even an avocado on the windowsill.

Have you always dreamed of having a beautiful garden, balcony or even a green window sill? Let the Moon be your guide in plant care.

The moon in the signs of the zodiac shows which plants need to be looked after

Astronomers in ancient times divided the signs of the zodiac according to their elements: fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius); earth (Bulls, Virgos, Capricorns); air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and water (Cancers, Scorpio, Pisces). And distributed them to the appropriate factories. The phases of the moon affect how you lose or gain weight >>

Fire signs rule fruit plants.

So: beans, peas, corn, zucchini, pumpkin, also fruit trees and berry bushes. These plants love: the sun and heat, they ripen on the warmest days of the year and eat only their fruits. So do them when the Moon is in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius.

The signs of the earth correspond to the roots of plants

This set includes radishes, beets, celery, scorzonera, carrots, potatoes, onions - some of which always form inside the root. Take care of them with Leo in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. 

Air signs take care of flowering plants

Namely: flax, rapeseed, sunflower, cauliflower, broccoli, artichokes, in which part of the plants ripens in the flower part. Take care of them while the Moon is in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius..

Leafy plants were classified as water signs.

Leaf lettuce, cabbage, spinach, chicory, lamb salad, as well as herbs: basil, rosemary, thyme. Pay attention to them with the Moon in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

The phases of the moon show when to sow, plant and harvest

Gardeners observe large phases of the moon, new moon, full moon and square, because it is the phases of the moon that radiate more intense energy. It is good to plant a new moon and use liquid fertilizer because the new moon is hidden and hidden. On the other hand, in the full moon, which is very noticeable, even stunning, it is best to harvest and saturate the harvest, and in the quarter moon - to cultivate, weave and care.  

Did you know that when the moon passes, a different electromagnetic field is generated, to which people, animals, and also plants react?

Moon phase gardening calendar

  • Gather fruits and vegetables by quarters.
  • Plant nutrition and pruning after harvesting, it is best to do this after the full moon. 
  • Digging and plowing a field or vegetable garden, general preparation of the landing base, to perform before the new moon and on the new moon. 
  • Seedlings will take root and will growhow crazy to be planted with the Moon in Virgo.
  • It makes sense to plant plants only in the evenings, but never with the Moon in Aquarius, because they will not take root.
  • Collection of flowers - also after the full moon and when the Moon is in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius.
  • Herbs and flowers for drying it is best to harvest in full, then they have the greatest healing power.
  • Difficult (preferably with neighbors from the quarter) should be worn on days when the Moon is in Virgo. 
  • Fighting snails are reserved in the days of Scorpio. These days, scatter eggshells or coffee grounds to get rid of pests. 
  • Talk to plants squared
  • Also read: How the phases of the moon affect a person: full, quadratic and new moon