» Magic and Astronomy » Are you afraid of bad energy? The eggshell will help.

Are you afraid of bad energy? The eggshell will help.

Don't throw away the eggshells. You will make Cascarilla powder which will protect you from evil in many ways. Learn about eggshell magic rituals.

The egg is not only a symbolic new life. In the esoteric world, he is famous for his protective power.

You have an important meeting ahead of you, you are going on a trip, will you be in a very crowded place? Use powdered shells for protection. Magic for every day: Take the shell from 3 eggs (3 symbolizes creative energy). Crush them in a mortar and grind in a coffee grinder. Sift through a fine fine sieve. Store Cascarilla powder in a jar in a dry place.1. Gently rub some powder into both wrists. and in the feet, around the ankles. These are the places most vulnerable to energy attack. 2. Are you going to a party where you will meet new people? Sprinkle some powder on the back of your left hand and clap your hands. Thanks to this, you will avoid extraneous influences when greeting.3. You meet people at work who feel like they mean you harm. Do you need stronger protection? Put a teaspoon of powder in a small glass bottle and always carry it with you - in your purse or jacket pocket. See also: splitting egg.Magic cleaningEaster is a good time for cleaning, and vigorous. Take 3 liters of boiling water, add a tablespoon of Cascarella powder, 1/3 cup of vinegar, a tablespoon of rock salt, a drop of dishwashing liquid and 6 drops of peppermint oil. Wash window sills, shelves and, above all, floors. Give thanks for protection. Read also: Cleanse your soul too. MW
