» Magic and Astronomy » Voodoo in the spring!

Voodoo in the spring!

The moon is slowly approaching the full moon on March 16th. This is the best time for magical cleaning. When you clean your home, you clean your life at the same time.

During the year, a lot of unnecessary rubbish has accumulated around us, and even worse - unpleasant events and bad energies. Evil gossip, job loss, problems with money, children, husband.

And, as a rule, shaky health, because who does not experience stress that poisons not only the soul, but also the body. It destroys joy, undermines self-esteem and causes sleepless nights. It's time to get rid of that burden that presses your shoulders to the ground and prevents you from breathing freely.When you're really tired

“I don’t have the strength anymore, Mrs. Berenice,” my neighbor Yola admitted when I met her at the local grocery store. My husband lost all his money at work again. And I was hoping we'd buy them a new refrigerator. If I had more strength, I would burn this murder with one-armed bandits. But he probably would have gone elsewhere.

I saw despair in her eyes, but not what burned in the eyes of Justina Kowalczyk, who, despite her broken leg, wanted to win. No, Lady Jola's despair came from life-weariness and despair. And ate it from the inside.  

“The worst part is that I can't get along with my daughter Dorothy. You know, she turned out to be a divorcee twenty years her senior. And he does not want to listen to the voice of reason. She moved out a week ago. I've had enough, she whispered with tears in her eyes.

"Do you have enough funds to grab the last resort?" I then asked, knowing that my neighbor is very reluctant to do what I do, considering it nonsense and deceiving the naive.

- Meaning? You mean those voodoo ladies? I looked at her without saying a word. And after a while she left without saying a word. But in the evening she knocked on my door. Apparently, she really had enough. So I said what to do.

 Prepare for the treasure map

We know that time cannot be turned back. When bad feelings have eaten holes in the hearts, when words have been spoken that tear people apart like a wall, then all this should be left behind. Separate it with a thick line, otherwise it can only get worse. Fortunately, there is a month of the year when you can start over.

It starts on the new moon of March (1.03/XNUMX this year) and lasts until the first new moon after the spring solstice. (30.03.2014)when to do it Treasure mapwhich is the culmination of our purification process - then we invite the energies of dreams into our lives.

We clean not only ourselves, but also our immediate environment - the apartment. We must remember that the energy emanating from the household accumulates within the walls of our homes. Laughter and quarrels. Anger and love. Anguish, disappointment, ecstasy...

The more good emotions, the brighter and brighter the atmosphere of the apartment, and you want to be in such a house. We enter it tired after work - and we feel how new forces are pouring into us. Our nerves calm down, and we no longer want to quarrel over unwashed dishes.

Unfortunately, the same thing happens when bad radiation comes from walls. Then even the joy after the promotion fades away, replaced by anger and resentment. Therefore, cleaning the premises should begin with washing all walls, floors, windows and doors, including the floor of the corridor in front of the door of the apartment.

Once the house is clean, get rid of broken crockery, old newspapers, torn rags, dried flowers, and wilting potted plants. All this steals energy and creates emptiness, like black holes in emotions.

Clear storage areas and basement. Notice that you start to feel lighter. It is well known that the mess in such places is somehow connected with the back streets of our soul, with the subconscious. Clutter in the house creates confusion in our thoughts and feelings, and most importantly: when cleaning, erasing and throwing away the old and unnecessary, do it with the full knowledge that you are also getting rid of your bad emotions, complexes, memories of problems. That you cut yourself off from the past, erase it, rinse it and pour it into the toilet with dirty water. You throw it in the trash.

Finally, burn incense at home or scented oils such as sage, strawberry, jasmine, or rose. Aroma is very important and these scents will clear your mind and lift your spirits. Also buy new potted flowers (make sure to use geraniums, krasos or aloe vera) and take care of them so they don't go to waste. In any case, when there are good energies in the house, flowers will also grow.

Program your future

Now start smiling. Even if you are not funny, let your lips smile. Soon your brain will understand the signal and begin to produce endorphins, hormones of happiness - and your smile will no longer be artificial, and you will feel light in your soul.

Help yourself by evoking happy memories that are best associated with household members. Then when they show up (or maybe you can use them to help with your general cleaning), you give them a beaming smile that comes straight from your soul and heart, and they smile back at you. Even if not right away, don't quit. They need some time to indulge in this spring magic.

Finally, program your future

- in every free minute, especially during a walk (at this time, walk a lot among the trees), think about the good aspects of your life. Wake up your old hot feelings. Forgive others for mistakes (very important). Imagine your dreams come true. And when, in such a mood and in a cleared space, you begin to collect materials for the Treasure Map, then there is no strength that would not work.


The ritual succeeded, life changed

And Yola, my neighbor? The story I told at the beginning happened two years ago. Today, Jola is smiling, she has a better new job, and her husband attends therapy sessions for drug addicts. They are happy and in love again.

She also made peace with Dorota - when she completed all the rituals I recommended, she suddenly lost her unwillingness to meet her beloved daughter. It turned out that this is a great person who is trying to make Dorothy happy. Now Jola and he are friends. And the cleansing ritual, spring voodoo, as he calls it, he does every year.

House cleaning water

Pour several liters of clean water into a bucket - preferably from a clean river or well (it can be Oligocene). The tap water is dead. But if you do not have access to such water, put a bucket of tap water in the sun for a few hours to recharge it with life-giving energy, then add half a liter of sage, half a glass of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of sea salt. Wash the apartment with prepared water. You may need to replace the water with clean water twice. Make the same mixture every time.Diet for the body

From March 1 to March 16, try to eat lightly, as many vegetables as possible - beets, sauerkraut, celery. And fish. Limit meat and sweets. Drink a cup of chamomile tea every morning (detoxifies the body) and lemon balm in the evening (calms).

If possible, drink only beetroot juice mixed with apple juice for several days, preferably prepared with your own hands, and carry a piece of jasper with you, it extracts unpleasant emotions and memories from the soul. Rinse it every evening with running water.

Berenice fairy