» Magic and Astronomy » Time for New Year's resolutions. With the energy of Pluto, you will bring them to life.

Time for New Year's resolutions. With the energy of Pluto, you will bring them to life.

The start of New Year's numerology is a great time to kick things that are pissing you off and take matters into your own hands. In addition, today [3.10] Pluto will come out of retrograde. Meditate with Pluto today and its energy will empower you to make your dreams come true in the new year.

On Thursday, Pluto will stop at the 20th degree and 38th minute of Capricorn. The planet will make a kind of "system reset" and will program our entire New Numerological Year.

Thanks to this planetary system, you will be able to fulfill your New Year's resolutions. Thursday at 20.38 get ready for meditation with Pluto and you will know what you want. 

Summarize the results of the past numerological year. 

Already on Thursday morning, many people will feel as if they have lost at least 10 kilograms. During the day, try to sum up the results of the previous year - numerological and astrological. Think about what this year has brought you? What made it possible to finish and what laid the foundation for a new one? How did you use this time? Did you take advantage of the opportunity? Looking at photos on your phone, talking to a friend, exercising, walking and… kneading yeast dough will help you settle the score with the passing time.

2020 is a year of change! Check out what the new numerological cycle will bring!

In the meantime, remember your previous New Year's resolutions. Your dreams, goals at work, courses, studies or travel plans - you may have missed the perfect time to tour Georgia, cruise London's galleries or taste falafel and hummus in Tel Aviv. Perhaps you wanted to learn how to ride a unicycle or play bass. Or maybe you wanted to cut yourself off from your energy vampires or finally get out of the shell of the complexes?Meditate at 20.38:20.30, but sit down earlier - as early as XNUMX:XNUMX. Clear your head and heart of everyday worries, then meditate with the intention of making your New Year's resolutions and dreams of change come true. You can imagine yourself in a world of good people, beautiful feelings, without the evil that drives you crazy every day. Or you may think of nothing but just being still. When you are not thinking, your mind is at rest, a state of true relaxation that makes problem solving easier. 

You don't have to write down New Year's resolutions or the need for big life changes - the main thing is that they appear in your head and program your life for the entire New Year. What do zodiac signs dream about?

What will help you fulfill your decisions for the new numerological cycle?

• Allow yourself to be calm and relaxed every day... and your thoughts will be directed towards what you want to achieve. • Meditate with the same intention every day. • Be here and now, otherwise you will lose your New Year's resolutions • Take small steps, one by one, and you will reach your goal in due time, without losing the energy and enthusiasm of New Year's resolutions, remember small mistakes. They bring a moral hangover and make people realize a lot. Take this lesson to heart and resist the temptation the second time • Be honest with yourself and others, even if the truth hurts. • Save rocking in the clouds for special occasions, such as lying in a bubble bath.PZ
