» Magic and Astronomy » Magic herbarium: verbena will drive out evil

Magic herbarium: verbena will drive out evil

The time of darkness has come, when shadows lurk in the corners, a bad dream oozes from the walls, and sadness and fear awaken in the soul.

The time of darkness has come, when shadows lurk in the corners, a bad dream oozes from the walls, and sadness and fear wake up in the soul. Verbena will help you survive.

Magic herbarium: verbena will drive out evil

Worth using force the oldest magical herb, verbena. The ancient Greeks and Romans considered it to be a powerful defense against evil energies. Its Latin name verbenae meant a wreath of olive leaves, laurel, myrtle and vervain sprigs, which Roman priests wore on their heads during ritual sacrifices to the gods.

There are many varieties of this plant, including fragrant lemon verbena (linden trifoliate) - a wonderful healing plant. AT blue is used for magic, a garden that does not have medicinal properties.

In the past, people smoked this variety of houses to smoke get rid of curses, bad thoughts and quarrel energythat soaks into the walls. Druids, Celtic magicians, confuse holy altars, the sick and ghosts with its infusion, and also predict from the smoke of vervain. From time immemorial, fairies have been burning incense with the addition of this plant so that evil forces do not interfere with reading cards. And in France and England, dried verbena flowers are sewn into silk or a piece of leather and worn on the body to protect against energy vampires and the evil eye.


divination herb

In ancient Egypt, it was called "tears of Isis", and later "tears of Juno". In ancient Greece, poets wrote about him. It was a sacred plant of the Druids. Verbena flowers are engraved on a protective amulet dating back to 4500-3000 BC, the American Indians used it in their rituals to strengthen their dreams and predict the future through them. Verbena is said to promote lucid dreams, which allows you to go deep within yourself.

Folk legends say that vervain grass was used on the wounds of Jesus after he was taken down from the cross. That is why the British called it the "holy coat of arms" or "the curse of the devil." According to other legends, drinking an infusion of this plant or a bath with the addition of verbena protects from vampires. In Poland, it was used for household blessings and love spells. It is believed that this flower enhances the creative abilities of poets.

Homemade protective shield

The purpose of the ritual is cleaning the apartment from bad energiesas well as creating something of a shield against the depressing effects of the winter months. This will close access to the astral plane and other hostile spirits.

Three handfuls of dried garden verbena (you can buy it in herbalists, on the Internet, also in a pot - you can dry it yourself) pour a liter of boiling water and boil for seven minutes. In the third minute of cooking, add seven grains of allspice, in the sixth - seven bay leaves. Drain the infusion and pour it into a bucket of warm water. Add a tablespoon of sea salt, preferably unrefined. Pour some water into the spray container.

Vacuum the apartment and wash the floors with vervain water. Soak a cloth in it, wring it out and wipe the furniture, etc. Spray the walls with water in a spray bottle. Keep thinking that you are washing away the energetic remnants of the bad events of the last 12 months: quarrels, bad words, illnesses, thoughts about unkind guests, etc. Finally, light a handful of dried verbena (or verbena incense) in a cauldron and walk around the house with it, smoke incense on every corner and even inside cupboards. Imagine that the smoke is intertwined with the fabric of space and creates an insurmountable barrier to all evil energies.

Get rid of leftover water and incense. If you live in a private house, pour water out of the entrance. Finally, hang a few criss-crossed vervain sprigs over your front door. Light candles often in winter. Living fire enhances the energy of the cosmos, adds life to it, thanks to which you will also benefit from it.

Talisman for money

Take a tablespoon of thyme and dried verbena flowers. Mix herbs and grind into powder. Add a pinch of water that you will use to water a flower in a pot with small leaves, such as benjamin ficus, fern, etc. Place it next to the place where you keep your financial documents. When you notice new leaves have grown, pluck one and carry it in your wallet until it dries. Then change to the next one.

Text: Elvira D'Antes, editorial

  • Magic herbarium: verbena will drive out evil