» Magic and Astronomy » Venus in the horoscope gives you money and love. But he can also take them! What then?

Venus in the horoscope gives you money and love. But he can also take them! What then?

Today (25.02) Venus enters Pisces, which can make us dreamy and romantic. But Venus, who governs love and money, also has a different, bad face. Unlike the ominous Mars or Saturn, which carry negative emotions: aggression or a sense of limitation, Venus ... takes its gifts.

Explore the evil influences of Venus in the horoscope 

What does Venus mean in a horoscope?

Check your natal chart (<-click!), because it all depends on its location. It is known that it is good to be born when Venus rises (that is, on the ascendant) - then she brings pleasant appearance, pleasant exterior, good manners and love of art... Then you are generally "the embodiment of Venus." It is also good, and maybe even better, to have this planet as a descendant, that is, a set: then you have the gift of seamlessly interacting and doing business with others. On the other hand, Venus in coelium gives you a chance to make a career because you handsome and cute. Of course, it will help us if, in addition to a well-placed Venus in the horoscope, we will have the Sun or the Moon in the signs of Venus: in Taurus or Libra.

Venus brings loneliness

It is interesting that in addition to gifts - that is, pleasing others, socialization, love and well-being - Venus also brings ... worries. Because when we look at people, what is wrong with them, what they are unhappy with, what they suffer from - what will we find? Health problems, i.e. illnesses, of course, are in the first place. What about the following places? Lack of love! The source of trouble, or rather, as often happens, true suffering is the absence of another close person - a partner. No lover, no spouse, no love, no sex...

Other concerns include lack of companionship, misunderstanding among people, loneliness and feelings of alienation. Often you just have someone to talk to and talk to. Finally, the cause of sadness and "depression" is the absence of a social group in which we could feel "at home" or "among our own" - there is no belonging. Well, we are social creatures and without community, without family and, most importantly, without a loving life partner, we are almost nobody. Communication with others in astrology is ruled by Venus. We miss her energy terribly.

Venus takes our money

The second common disadvantage that worries us is the lack of money. Some people just don't have them and are poor. Others, and there are certainly many more of them, do not have as many of them as they would like, and therefore they cannot satisfy part of their needs: they cannot buy an apartment or a house, they cannot live where they want, they cannot leave, no they can raise or educate their children...

And most importantly, because this is the most common consequence of a lack of money - they have to do work for money that they do not like. And it gives them the feeling that they are wasting their time, their life. As you can see, the consequences of a lack of money are numerous. Interestingly, in astrology, Venus is the patroness of money and material well-being.

"Evil" or malefic planets directly cause suffering. Mars, when it is active in the horoscope, sends us aggression, anger or hatred. Or you yourself, through an excess of aggressive emotions, provoke someone to attack you. Saturn is a direct cause of misfortune, for example, you agree to work under such strict rules that make you a slave to a corporation. For both Mars and Saturn, suffering is caused by too many "gifts" from one planet or another. In the case of Venus, considered benevolent, the situation is different: the cause of suffering is her lack of gifts.

And since this deficiency is more common, more people suffer from Venus (lack of a loved one or lack of money) than from Mars (attack) or Saturn (stiffness). These two Venusian realms, money and human relationships, have more in common than you might think. Someone who attracts people often also attracts money, for example, in the form of an opportunity to earn money. After all, we all need this Venus.