» Magic and Astronomy » A streak of success awaits you! Behind this is Jupiter in semitext with Saturn.

A streak of success awaits you! Behind this is Jupiter in semitext with Saturn.

Jupiter - the planet of wealth and superscopia will merge with Saturn, who is entrusted with the work. This arrangement of the planets favors opportunities, rewards and victories. This happens very rarely, so catch the wind in your sails and get to work!

From August 19 to 25, when Jupiter will be in a semi-sextile with Jupiter, nothing will limit you. So take risks, follow yours at work, play the lottery.

You can support the planetary system with additional magical methods to achieve success. In the XNUMXth century, positive thinking can be called magic - it is enough to create your own personal spell - for example: “I am strong”, “I myself”, “I can handle it” and repeat them while looking in the mirror.1. Calculate the best vibration of the day for individual jobs and tasks. Every day, like every person, has its own birth number. In the case of the days of the month, vibration sets a certain rhythm and prepares us for action or drains us of energy. Today, i.e. on Tuesday 19.08.2019/3/XNUMX August XNUMX, the vibration of XNUMX, which is the affirmation of life, creation and positive communication.I. What does this mean? Creativity and power! The vibration of the day is calculated by adding all the numbers together on August 19.08.2019, 1, year 9, i.e. 8 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 30 + 4 = 3, i.e. XNUMX = XNUMX.On Wednesday 20.08.2019/4/XNUMX there will be XNUMX vibrations - who is entrusted with hard and conscientious work, a way out of the hole. Everyone who is busy with work will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thursday, 21.08 August, will be 5responsible for love and creativity. So Thursday would be the perfect day to prepare a presentation or refine an idea, what's on friday with vibration 6 - show yourself and your achievements to the world. The six guarantees the attention of others, they will begin to listen to you. On Saturday the number 7 will vibrate, that is, appeasement, the need to calm down, self-improvement.The first prizes will come on Sunday, because on this day there are 8 vibrations, this is a smile of fate. It portends wealth, abundance, opportunities and rewards. Examine your numerological horoscope. 2. Surround yourself with bay leaves at workthat attract success and help you recognize other people's intentions and intentions, as well as encourage creativity. Also draw the power of sage, which has a lot of magical properties - drunk in the form of an infusion, it clears the mind and tones emotions, and when burned, it clears the energy of rooms. When burned with a bay leaf, it gives every idea a driving force. 3. Enjoy the summer sun. In magic, the seasons are used to predict and call upon the cosmos or Mother Nature for support during the worst of times. Summer is a time of fullness and brightness, thanks to the sun, which brightens the days and enlivens thoughts. To "seal" your decision or play darts, choose 12 noon. Then get out of the house to a sunny place and make decisions. Weather for the rich? Yes! The sun brings good luck!4. Draw the Valknut symbol called the Warrior Knot and it will transfer its great power to you. Valknut is three triangles connected to each other, each vertex symbolizes three levels of creation: idea, execution and reward. Draw a symbol on the documents you are working on, on the money you pay for a lottery ticket, or on a calendar with your most important plans and deadlines.PZ
