» Magic and Astronomy » Do you need support and advice? Contact an angel... in a dream!

Do you need support and advice? Contact an angel... in a dream!

How to talk to angels? You know, the most important thing is prayer and meditation. But there is a third way: through dreams! When we fall asleep, our mind goes into a completely different state - it is open to signals from the subconscious. In this way, it will be easier for you to contact the angels. Try it now as Mercury in Cancer (until July 27.07th) amplifies your intuition.

How to summon angels in your dreams?  

You need aromatic fireplace or regular cupswhat can be put on a candle. Put four drops into water lavender essential oil and two drops neroli oil (It is obtained from the flowers of bitter orange). These fragrances are traditionally associated with angels. High quality natural fragrance oils can be found at Astromagia. 

Heat up the bowl and put it in the bedroom. Zeal white candle. Inhale the aroma for a few minutes, then extinguish the candle. Imagine that you are surrounded by a sphere of white light. Mentally ask the Angel Gabriel, the lord of dreams, to send an angel corresponding to your troubles. 

If you always have one problem, you do not need to write it down, but if you think about many things in the evening, then it is better to leave the question on a piece of paper under your pillow. 

The meaning of angelic symbols  

In giving us information, the Angels use signs, symbols, and impressions. Usually in a dream, you will receive a clear message, such as "Yes, you can accept this job." Or you may see a symbol that you associate with your problem. 

If you are standing at the crossroadsso you have to make a decision. Remember: maybe he was standing there pointerand one of his hands was clearer, which would mean the angel would even discreetly tell you what to choose. 

If you just see the wayi.e. you have to keep doing what you are doing. River they say that you need to ask someone for help, especially when the current is dangerous. hearts this is a sign to look at your relationship with loved ones and make sure that all issues are resolved.

If you dream specific person, contact her and send her warm emotions in the morning.

When you're running from something in a dream means that it's time to face the troubles that haunt you in real life. 

The meaning of flowers in a dream  

Bright colors symbolize a positive answer to "yes", dark instead, they warn against a choice and mean that you should study it carefully before making a decision.

Blue colour it is communication: be ready to solve the problem with words or for an important discussion.

Sleep in pink it's advice to make sure none of your loved ones need support.

Yellow color requires attention to career and money. 

green dream there may be emotional problems.

The dream that prevails the black, portends the arrival of a larger project that you will have to deal with. 

Call Amnitol - the angel of intuition   

When you're on a road with no clear destination or direction and want to know what's around the corner, call on Amnitziel, the angel of intuition. In the evening, when you go to bed, ask him for support, strengthening your intuition and sleep, which will reveal the secret of the future to you. 

Text: Roman Voinovich