» Magic and Astronomy » Is everything not going well in your life? Check your chakras.

Is everything not going well in your life? Check your chakras.

Chakras spin around us like glowing wheels. If they work correctly, the energy in your body will flow harmoniously. What if they are blocked? They can lead to loss of health and happiness.

Chakras are energy centers in our etheric body that keep the energy moving within us. When they work properly, your life (and body) is filled with happiness, everything goes well. If not, it may mean that one of your chakras is blocked. How do you know which one? You can contact an experienced bioenergy therapist, and also try to check it yourself. Choose one day. Write down what happens, carefully write down your reactions. Whether it is disappointment, anger, or maybe a feeling of injustice or fear. Emotions that prevail will indicate a diseased chakra. 

Remember that the energy body of your body is alive and reacts to even the slightest changes. 

We suggest what emotions accompany the blockage of certain chakras and how we can support our energy centers. Root chakra: (under the genitals) fear for health, future, work.

What will support her: contact with nature and walking barefoot. Read also: Closed chakras complicate life.Sacral chakra: (two fingers under the navel) shame, I have nothing to offer the world.

What will support it: meditation on the water or the idea of ​​water, it can be a lake or an ocean.Chakra Weave: (a place right under the ribs) anger, insecurity, overflowing low self-esteem, I never get it right.

What will support it: surround yourself with yellow. Heart Chakra: (center of chest) feeling of injustice, envy, jealousy. We may have questions: why did you do this to me? Why me?

What will support her: an exercise in gratitude. Start each day by making a gratitude list. See also: The power is within us. Throat chakra: (esophagus) fear of judgment and fear of rejection. Questions may arise: when will my turn be? When will I finally make it?

What will support: the representation of the dome of the sky and the connection with all things. Third eye chakra: (between the eyes, just above the eyebrow line) arrogance, excessive intellectualization, emotional chaos. 

What will support her: contact with art, fantasizing.crown cup: (right above your head) apathy, a feeling that nothing makes sense, doubt.

What will help with this: mindfulness exercise - observe your surroundings for two minutes every day, but be careful! Without any condemnation. Carry rock crystal or amethyst with you.MW
