» Magic and Astronomy » Totem - the keeper of the house and family

Totem - the keeper of the house and family

Create it like the Indians did

Create it like the Indians did. By the way, you will rest, relax, check your attentiveness, stimulate creativity. And for a moment you will feel like a child.

Totem - the keeper of the house and family

Characteristic, colorful, hand-painted, decorated wooden figurines. Grown into the landscape of Indian camps. They once played - and in some tribes they still play - a very important role: they personified a mythical ancestor who, according to Indian beliefs, looked after the whole family and each one individually. It could take the form of an animal or a plant. He could also depict a natural phenomenon. It was something like a coat of arms or coat of arms of a given community. Primitive cultures deeply revered him, believing that under his care the people of the tribe would be safe... They would be happy and fertile.

Today, the totem is more of an ethnic curiosity for us. But it is so intriguing that it won the hearts of craftsmen and interior decorators who have been faithful to ethnic design for several seasons. If it also catches your eye, inside you can see trinkets, as if brought from distant wanderings - do it yourself. But give it a deeper meaning. Make him the guardian of your home and your entire family, including your dog and cat. Will be colorful amulet and talisman one.

How to make a totem?

Look for sticks in a park, forest, or garden. Four will do. Prepare some feathers (if you can't find them on your walk, you can buy them in a wide range of haberdashery or stationery stores), pine cones, rope or yarn, paints (poster or acrylic), brushes, glue, sandpaper.

How to make a totem:

1. Clean the stick, debark and polish with sandpaper.

2. Take paints, a brush, water and draw a pattern on it: this may be the easiest drawing you did in school.

3. When the drawing dries, decorate the stick with a thread, for example, by wrapping its ends. You can also make pom poms out of yarn and knit them.

4. Attach the feathers and cones to the thread, and the thread to the stick.

5. When you decide that your totem is ready, place it, for example, in a transparent vase or put it in the ground in a flower pot.

Let him do his duty under your straw.

SEE ALSO: Spellbook: DIY!


  • Totem - the keeper of the house and family
    Totem - the keeper of the house and family