» Magic and Astronomy » Tarot and Astrology in Practice - Book Review

Tarot and Astrology in Practice - Book Review

Tarot and astrology are powerful arts used in divination. Will their union allow you to read the future? How do both of these arts influence your daily life? Can you get to know yourself and the people around you better thanks to them? These and many other questions are answered by Beata Matuszewska, author of the book Tarot and Astrology in Practice.

Tarot is a visual art that relies on the intuition of the magician who reads the cards. Astrology is a science based on mathematics and logic. What can be gained by combining these two directions? The author of the book proves to readers that these two completely different directions have much in common and allow you to get an accurate and precise weapon against a negatively perceived fate. Tarot and astrology complement each other, allowing you to determine the time of the event. In his book, the author explains how to use and interpret wildcards. Beata Matuszewska also shows how to read a horoscope correctly, how the elements affect our daily lives and whether the position of the planets can decide success or failure. 

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Cover of the book "Tarot and astrology in practice" / Photo Press-materials Astropsychology Studio

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The book "Tarot and Astrology in Practice" can be divided into two parts. In the first, the author gives information about various aspects of esoteric knowledge, in the second, he focuses on explaining the meaning of the cards. The book was created for people who want to take their lives into their own hands, to be able to prepare for happiness or its absence, to better understand themselves. Thanks to the combination of tarot and astrology, you will know when something important will happen in your life, when other people wish you harm and if it's time for a big change. Beata Matuszewska's book will allow you to learn and apply the principles of divination in your life, which can make it better and happier.