» Magic and Astronomy » The intricate art of decoration

The intricate art of decoration

Few people like change. They are always a challenge. And it is not known what will happen next. But sometimes we just don't have a choice...

Although we gain knowledge and experience with age, this does not always mean that we know how to do the right thing. To properly deal with the new situation...

The father of the eighty-year-old friend was still driving. He posed a threat to himself and other drivers. Unfortunately, the persuasion of the family did not help. The harmless - fortunately - bumps that he had so far passed, he attributed to the laziness of other owners of four wheels. A desperate friend came to Tarot with a question, what to do?

The male won't leave.

In the cards, I saw the "old lion" desperately trying to maintain his current position in the herd. Lilka's father supposedly knew it was time to turn in his driver's license, but as he drove, he felt strong, healthy, and free. He himself decided where and when to land his wife and daughter.

Tough thing, I thought. Although, according to the law, the cards said, it would be possible to get the pope out of him only by cunning. Failure to do so will result in a serious accident.

There was nothing to wait. That same night, Lila slipped into her father's bedroom and discreetly took out the car documents from her wallet. All hell broke loose the next day. The parent went crazy demanding the return of the stolen papers. After he didn't bully his women, he went to bed and refused to eat.

- Holy Mother of God, what to do? called a distressed friend. He will still be sick! Maybe give him back the car...?

- What do you prefer? I replied. — So that he gets hurt a little, or that he crashes on the road?

There could only be one answer. "Robbed" dad did not eat for two days. On the third day he got up and, in gloomy silence, made himself a sandwich. He was puzzled for a long time. And he got old faster. In addition, he claimed to the end that the degenerate daughter took away from him the only remaining joy in life ...

False self-image

When Bernard showed up at my house, he told me that since childhood he had been aiming for professional success. He rushed forward like a tank. Work was the raison d'être for him.

“So you feel fulfilled?” - I have asked.

“Of course,” he said confidently.

So why did he ask for Tarot? He explained that the opportunity had just arisen to move him from a leadership position to a high ministerial post. He is, of course, perfectly prepared for this important role, but would like to ask a question about future co-authors and a few more questions related to translation.

I unfolded the cards. Contrary to the man's belief about his superior abilities, the Tarot indicated a lack of relevant knowledge and professionalism, as well as poor interpersonal relationships.

“Please don't move,” I said. Fortune telling to you: the higher you rise, the more tragic the fall will be.

He did not believe. Later on TV, I saw how he was accused of bad decisions, mocked and spat. When he came back to me a year later, he seemed like a different person. He hated the people who contributed to his dismissal. All I could do was recommend a psychotherapist to Bernard. He had a long and difficult work to restore his own personality.

Death of old forms

Finally something from another trunk. Iolanthe is stuck in a terrible marriage. She lived "at the mercy" of her husband, which he reminded her of at every turn. In desperation, she began to think about parting. In fact, she would have left immediately, but where? In addition, Iolanta was blocked by the belief that her husband would destroy her in the courtroom.

Already on the first pages of the treaty, it was said about the need for the "death of the old forms." The change will come unexpectedly and will lead to a complete reconstruction of the girl's existence. His role was only to seize the opportunity. You must seize the opportunity. "Catch and hold" - I hammered into my client's head.

That chance was a chance encounter with an old friend. The woman was going abroad and wanted to leave the apartment to someone she trusted. Iolanthe, as she later admitted in my office, almost unconsciously put forward her candidacy. The friend agreed. Shortly after moving in, Jola met a neighbor from behind the wall. The kind-hearted lady was looking for someone to join her catering company...

Today Iolanta has another husband, a child and she is a happy person. She created the Wheel of Fortune arcana and meditates on them systematically. She is convinced that only pleasant events can meet her.

Maria Bigoshevskaya