» Magic and Astronomy » Shabbat Beltane: Night of Love

Shabbat Beltane: Night of Love

The night from 30.04 April to 1.05 May is the best time for love rituals, finding a soul mate and weddings! And children conceived at this time will be especially favorable to the gods ...

Apparently magic is slowly disappearing from our world. Places of power known for centuries lose their energy, rituals cease to function, faith in people disappears ... Is this true? In a manner.

Magic: renewable energy

After all, magic is nothing but energy emanating from flowers, trees, crystals, animals, houses and, above all, from people. It is strongest in people because it is supported by faith. Consciousness. Only directed energy can work wonders. And only people can use the healing powers of crystals and plants. Increase the influence of trees and the sap circulating in them. Almost condense the magic and pour it into bottles - like homeopathic drops or Dr. Fox flower essences. Bach. And then drink a few drops.

Magic is like any energy - it disappears if it is not used. And the best generator of magic is human faith. And it's really not the best thing in our world. And it's not about believing in God, in the party, or in the existence of little green men. We are talking about faith in general - about the ability to trust, about commitment. For sacrifice. For the rejection of indifference. And in magic, for the belief that we can manipulate the energy around us so that it creates the world according to our desire (of course, for the benefit of all interested parties).

Beltane: night of fire, love, future

Beltane, the Little Shabbat in the magical Wheel of the Year, is the perfect time to remind ourselves that the indifferent and unbelieving only vegetate, not live. The energies of that night boil in our blood, igniting the flame of lust, passion, desire in it. And these are the strongest emotions known to man.

Most recently, on March 21, the Sun entered the sign of Aries, beginning the time of spring, the rebirth of life. The earth, dormant for winter, began to thaw. Now she breathes deeply, calling on all living things to fertilize her with a new life.

This is an ideal time not only for love and procreation, but also for any new projects, plans and goals. However, in order to succeed, we must believe in success. So deep, to the insides. And then the magic happens!!

Mandatory: stone of love

To find the right one or find out which man suits you, put a rose quartz ring on any of the fingers of your left hand. And listen to the voice of intuition. Or place a piece of Rose Quartz under your pillow to evoke dreams of the right man for you and how to find him.

Rose Quartz is the stone of love. Therefore, always carry it with you - it is advisable to hang it around your neck closer to your heart. If you don't have it yet and need to buy it, do so on Friday, the day of Venus, the goddess of love.

Elvira D'Antes MP


  • Shabbat Beltane: Night of Love