» Magic and Astronomy » Ritual of reconciliation with the spirits of ancestors

Ritual of reconciliation with the spirits of ancestors

27.10-23.11 October is the month of the Birch Moon and an unusual time when the border between the worlds throughout the month is strangely thin, allowing energy to penetrate. To visit our world of astral beings and souls. We, too, can look there with prophetic dreams.

And all this is due to the energy of the sun, which at our latitudes is weaker and weaker gives a field to darkness. Therefore, this month it is good to conduct fortune-telling rites - especially runic ones. Cause prophetic dreams, reconcile with the spirits of ancestors and ask them for help and support, as well as reconcile with yourself, cleanse your aura and soul from negative energies. And this birch has a great cleansing power, hence the name of the month.

Ritual of reconciliation with the spirits of ancestors

In many cultures, celebrations are held at this time in honor of the dead. This is a good time to thank your ancestors for their contributions to our lives. Or apologize to them - and forgive them any insults, try to do it, because unresolved issues with the dead have settled in our subconscious and not only prevent us from moving forward, but can also hiccup in our next incarnations. And perhaps your current bad luck is the result of such a disagreement, so light a candle, preferably from real wax, put it in front of a mirror, sit silently and, looking into the flame, connect your memories with those who have passed away. Then say:I pay tribute to all those who have walked the earth before me.

I am sorry and I forgive. Please support me.

May your knowledge and wisdom continue to flow through my soul. Extinguish the candle. This ritual should be performed nine times a month of the Birch Moon. Wrap the remaining candle end in white paper and bury it under the threshold so that the spirits protect you from evil energies.

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