» Magic and Astronomy » Election horoscope for 2015

Election horoscope for 2015

During the 2015 elections, the planetary systems go crazy - they promise chaos and turmoil, brawls and panic ...

We know the birth data of Bronisław Komorowski: June 4.06.1952, 3.02, XNUMX pm. Astrologer Svyatoslav Florian Novitsky received information about the time from the president.

Unfortunately, no one asked Andrzej Dudu about this. So we only know his "bare" date: May 16.05.1972, XNUMX, XNUMX.

It is a pity, because the whole essence of information about a career lies in the position of the ascendant and the medium of the goal, which - not knowing the hour - we do not know. But maybe you can do some calculation of the odds.

Horoscope for the 2015 presidential election.

The planetary system on Election Day is not favorable for Komorowski! Saturn (2°33' Sagittarius) passes through its natal offspring. In other words, it changes a quarter of the horoscope - and makes it unfavorable. Saturn in a quarter of the horoscope above the descending portends troubles, life storms and the need to adapt to changing conditions. He often announces travels, relocations, changes of place.

Is this a sign that you will have to leave the palace on the Krakow suburb? Uranus is extremely unfavorably located - which "stands" in Aries, just in opposition to the presidential natal Moon. Such a transit promises confusion, panic, "save yourself who can." In the second round of elections, neither Saturn nor Uranus will significantly change their positions - pressure from their side will continue.

Komorowski: a hair's breadth...

Does this herald the fall of Komorowski? - This is interesting, because the president has a strong Pluto in his natal chart. Pluto acts as a support and encouragement in extreme, sub-target situations. Bronisław Komorowski is a master at bailing himself out of such situations. And in the days of both rounds of elections, although Uranus spoils the energy, Pluto acts as a support. So I do not exclude that there will be confusion and sensational turns, but in the end Komorowski will win ... by a hair.

On both election days, the planetary systems go "crazy" - foreshadowing chaos, turmoil, and a brawl called "no one knows anything." So it is also possible that Komorowski will win - but for some reason he will soon have to retire ... The planetary systems on May 10 and 25 do not create a foundation on which he could build something permanent.

Duda: a formidable adversary

Looking at the horoscope of Andrzej Duda, one might think that he was specially born to a formidable opponent Komorowski. His Sun lies on Komorowski's Ascendant. His Saturn plunges like a crowbar into the presidential source of power, which is the Mars-Pluto-Venus-Mercury quintile ring. (This system of planets suggests that Komorowski is not the "warm teddy bear" he was promoted to - he is a difficult opponent, and at the same time a charismatic personality that others follow like smoke).

Mars Duda paired with Mars Komorowski. Duda's platoon hits Jupiter Komorowski, another vital planet for the president. The "fight" of both these "great" ones will certainly be exciting ... But as exciting as sports competitions. Because for the majority of Poles, neither Duda nor Komorowski as presidents announce any changes for the better.

Both do not solve the most important problems of the country. And Poland is in the wrong quarter of the Saturn cycle. Twice in recent history, when Saturn was in this position, someone "saved" her from it through a coup d'état: Piłsudski in 1926 and the Saturn cycle later - Gomułka in 1956. What if our history could repeat itself this year?


  • Election horoscope for 2015
    Horoscope for the 2015 presidential election.