» Magic and Astronomy » Jupiter celebration

Jupiter celebration

What happens when Jupiter transits our natal sun?

The rule is simple. When you were born, your natal sun left its mark on the zodiac.

(For example, Mrs. Christina Janda was born on December 19.12, and her horoscope constantly remembers that the Sun was then at 27º5' Sagittarius).

You live and know nothing (unless you are an astrologer) and Jupiter circles the sky. And at all its turns, every 11 years with a little, it passes the place in the zodiac where the Sun was at your birth, that is, as the connoisseur says, passes through your natal sun. And every third circulation, every less than 4 years, it forms with the natal Sun an angle of 120º is called a triangle. This is also a transit, just a trigonal transit.What happens when Jupiter transits the natal sun?

What then happens to the "born", as the old astrologers called their clients? This is one of the most expressive phenomena in astrology! They are easy to learn to recognize, and remembering the solar-Jovian periods in your life is (usually) a real pleasure, because such a period is like a long vacation lasting a month or even two!

that our social activity is growing. There is a desire to visit long-lost friends or organize a family reunion, college colleagues or forum members on the Internet. Suddenly we find more time for others, and in general then the time is more extended - it begins to have more events, meetings and parties.

Jupiter opens the gate 

It is not surprising that a person experiencing such a transit becomes more open and thirsty for contacts. The strangest thing is that the rest of the world, other people, act as if they feel your change of mood and satisfy your needs.

For here, when you have such a transit of Jupiter-Sun, others also remember your existence. Someone invites you to a party, someone decides that it would be fun to spend a week of vacation with you by the warm sea - there is a possibility! Then you are lucky, different gates open: the office gives you permission to build (although it used to resist) or some rich fund will suddenly become interested in your ideas. It’s as if you are not only changing yourself and gaining more inspiration and enthusiasm, but the space around you seems to sag, attracting people and things that “catch up” with you.

Jupiter plans weddings

There is another strange phenomenon: we can unconsciously predict such a transit of Jupiter in advance, without knowing astrology. For it turns out that we have planned many of the fruitful and creative endeavors that we begin during Jupiter transits. Few people get married every week; it usually takes six months or more to prepare.

When an astrologer looks at the wedding horoscope, it turns out that Jupiter trines its Sun in the bride, and in the groom in conjunction with his natal moon. But this means that young people decided to get married when Jupiter was not yet active - and by some strange coincidence, they fell into the period of its activity. There are many more such cases than it seems. Apparently we have some kind of prophetic instinct in our subconscious ...

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Jupiter is now at 13° Leo. So Jupiter time – social and inspirational – has Aries born around March 3.04, Leo born around 5.08/6.12/29.07/XNUMX/XNUMX, and Sagittarius born around XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX. Christina Janda as Sagittarius, but later, will wait for her Jupiter's optimum until July XNUMX - because then Jupiter will be in a trine to her Sun.

  • Jupiter opens the gate