» Magic and Astronomy » Get to know your power tree!

Get to know your power tree!

In the forest, in the garden or in the square, we can find our Tree of Power. This will charge us with positive energy and help you calm down. It is enough to hug him or sit next to him to take advantage of his power. Which tree is right for you? Your zodiac sign will tell you. It all depends on the element in which you were born.

Do you feel like you lack energy? Do you need support in love, work or family life? Or maybe you are looking for a moment of peace and quiet? The trees will help you. It has long been known that they transmit the eternal power of Nature. The Druids saw the divine element in them. Scientists study their energy field and conclude that it has a healing effect. 

The embrace of trees strengthens the body, protects against diseases and ... increases the desire for sex.

Which tree is best for you? Know your power tree:

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

They feel good among conifers, soaring, tall. A quick walk in a pine forest is good for the respiratory system. Energy Pine counteracts depression, restores balance, eliminates fatigue and a feeling of despondency. Larch allows you to escape from worldly affairs. It stimulates the will to live, brings enthusiasm and enthusiasm for action.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)

They love walking through orchards and admiring flowering trees. When they live in cities and gardens, the chances are slim, they are drawn to the parks, and the vibrations of the trees support their nervous system. grave relieves the fear of aging and helps to believe in yourself. Linden soothes and boosts immunity. It provides peace, family harmony and opens clairvoyance. chestnut tree while it calms fears and stimulates rational thinking. Thanks to him, we are better organized.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)

They suffer the most from smog. They do well in deciduous forests. It works especially for them. Beechthrough which they can achieve their inner strength. ash in turn, this helps them understand, accept, and control feelings. Walk between Oak trees reduces stress, improves concentration and strengthens the psyche. Provides longevity and protects from evil.

Water signs (Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces)

They most strongly feel the energy of plants and the speech of nature. They love the romantic aura willowwhich soothe them, putting them into a meditative mood. At the same time, they have an analgesic effect, especially effective for migraines. Brzoza on the other hand, it gives them new ideas for life and awakens their intuition. It has a calming effect, stimulates blood circulation. And helps to lose weight - just in the spring! Miloslava Krogulskaya
