» Magic and Astronomy » Power Beast: Bear is a large, brave creature that provides a stable posture and grounding.

Power Beast: Bear is a large, brave creature that provides a stable posture and grounding.

The bear is one of the most daring creatures currently walking our planet. In the kingdom of powerful animals, it is a symbol of strength and grounding. Revered for centuries by mankind, he inspired, gave courage and helped in adversity. Coming to visit us gives us a stable posture and strength when we feel tired and weak.

The brown bear is a predator. It occurs in very small numbers from North America to Western Europe, Eastern Siberia and Palestine. The brown bear population is currently stable and not endangered. The favorite places of the animal are usually coastal areas. The bear also lives along rivers, in forests and in alpine meadows. This creature leads a solitary lifestyle, usually feeding in the morning and evening, resting in a shelter during the day. The bear spends the winter months in a burrow, usually in a cave or large rock cleft. Then the animal falls asleep, but, despite hibernation, it can be awakened at any time.

The bear plays a very important role in the ecosystem because it disperses seeds, thus protecting the environment. Interestingly, this is an omnivore. The type of food largely depends on the time of year and season. Although the animal is at the top of the food chain, it feeds on grass and shoots in spring, apples and nuts in summer, nuts and plums in autumn. In addition, the bear loves insects, fish, roots and, of course, honey.

The bear is a very smart animal. In everyday life he uses tools and accessories for hunting and games. He also has an excellent memory and excellent navigational skills.

Power Beast: Bear is a large, brave creature that provides a stable posture and grounding.

Source: www.unsplash.com

Bear in culture and traditions

Native Americans considered the bear a symbol of strength and wisdom. An amulet made of the skin or tooth of this creature endowed the warriors with strength and invincibility. The animal totem also provided them with successful and plentiful hunting. The Indians had many legends associated with this creature, telling about the magical powers of the bear. The extreme power was to transform the human body into the form of a strong being. However, in Celtic culture, the bear played a huge role and was organically woven into it. The Celts personified the great strength and behavior of the animal with deities such as Artio and Cernunnos. Artion was the goddess of hunting, and Cernaus was responsible for nature and fertility. In some traditions, the bear claw was used as a medical magical talisman. To the Vikings, on the other hand, the skin was precious, and it was used in wars to gain the strength of a powerful animal and scare away approaching enemies.

The meaning and symbolism of a mammal

Thanks to its unusual hibernation, this creature has become a symbol of peace, silence, relaxation and solitude, especially at a time when society is very busy. The meaning of the bear still has many secrets. Among other things, it is a spirit animal with the attributes of protection, grounding, strength, survival, dominance, healing, or guardian. It also means standing firm on the ground or protecting oneself with a righteous purpose.

People with a bear totem are fearless and confident. A bear next to them gives them courage and self-confidence. In addition, it helps in self-defense. The bear totem also provides natural fortitude, confidence, and a disposition to fulfill leadership roles. However, this means that they must take care of themselves and take responsibility for their family and friends.

When a bear enters our lives

When a bear comes into our lives, he wants to tell us that we should rest a little, recuperate and gain courage. Regardless of the hardships we may face at the moment, the bear stands by our side and keeps us firmly on the ground until the hardships pass. Also, a mammal may come at a time when we need isolation so that we can listen to our hearts at a time when we are forced to make an important decision for us. He may also want to let us know that we, as parents, need to pay more attention to the safety of our children, as they may need our help before the upcoming events. He asks us to take on the role of head of the family, not only so that we can better manage our own lives, but also to guide others.

The spirit of the bear completes our lonely journey, its independence helps us discover ourselves and gives us courage. It makes us strong in moments when we feel helpless. It is ready for action regardless of the source of our problems. The mighty bear spirit can teach us how to fight for what we believe in and how we should deal with adversity.

The bear is a powerful power animal to turn to when we need to trust our instincts. It is worth thinking about the size and weight of this creature. When he comes, we must be sure that this is a time of dedication and taking control of our own lives.

Aniela Frank