» Magic and Astronomy » Look at the sky! Spring birds will bring good luck and money

Look at the sky! Spring birds will bring good luck and money

They are already here! Swallow, stork, lark - they all carry the message of your future. Go out to the balcony, look for them in the sky and listen to how they sing. If you find a feather while walking in a forest or park, take it and make a charm out of it for good luck.

In spring, the birds associated with life, fertility, the sun and joyful singing return to us. The belief that they bring divination is as old as the popular culture from which these superstitions originated.

Magical properties were attributed to birds, they were believed to be close to the gods, and they raised their heads high in search of little winged friends. Take a look around, prick up your ears ... Maybe there is winged happiness around you too!

SKOWRON for joy

Symbol of spring, joy, kindness, positive energy in the morning. His singing at dawn was a good sign to all who heard him during the day. It used to be farm hours. They got up with him to work on the farm and finished the field work with him by dusk. It was also believed that a dream about this beautiful singing field bird bodes good luck.

happy stork

He especially likes Poland. As many as 25 percent of these birds nest in our country. They feel good here, also because our Slavic love for them protects them. Every farmer dreams of having a pair of storks on his farm. Their nest means prosperity and a good harvest. It is also an ennoblement in the eyes of the neighbors. Because storks seem to choose the farms of good, honest people.

It was also considered as a living amulet against illness and sudden death. Therefore, people did everything possible to lure him to each other. And they themselves built large nests for him in a barn or on specially erected wooden poles. It did not bode well if the stork left them ahead of time. Or he didn't come back the next spring.

SWALLOW - good news

Agile, fast, piercing, graceful bird. Herald of spring, a symbol of a sunbeam, rebirth and new life. A swallow under the roof meant gifts of fate for the household.. And her chirping, heard in the morning as the first sound after waking up, predicted good news for the man that day. A favorite bird of farmers, its low flights herald rain. To this day they say: "When the swallow comes down, rain will come to us." And when she crossed the path of a fisherman going to catch her, she announced a bite.

PUPPET for cash

For centuries, he was considered a fortune teller. Her puppies predicted marriage, and the number of puppies predicted the number of years between a girl and marriage. It was also believed that the cuckoo cuckoo multiplies money. Condition? Anyone who hears them should have at least a coin with them. Hence the proverb: "The cuckoo deceived him for money."

GLOSSARY for love

An inconspicuous, brown-red bird, and whoever hears his song will never forget it. The man called him the king of songbirds and considered him a symbol of lovers. On the one hand, his night trills are a symbol of carelessness, joy and love, although not always happy. On the other hand, it is a harbinger of tears of longing and regret after the loss.. The song of the nightingale, which the dying person hears at night, portends an easy death. To this day they say that "whoever kills the nightingale will grieve the angel."

Have you found a unique, beautiful pen, which is impossible to pass by indifferently? This may be a sign that your Angel is very close to you. Pick them up, take them with you and put them away. Treat them like a good luck charm. What does the color of these feathers mean?

White is your guardian angel here!

Black is the time of spiritual awakening

Black and white - a chance for something good

Yellow - congratulations, you are on the right track

Blue - develop your abilities

Green - after many hardships, peace will come soon

Pink - promises a new big love

Text: , PZ