» Magic and Astronomy » Planets, genes and memory

Planets, genes and memory

The planets act on people as if they have direct access to our brains. 

If we compare the influence of the planets, then the comparison with the weather is the most important. The weather changes cyclically. For example, in July it is warm and there are heavy rains every few days. In 12 months, the weather will be similar, but along the way there will be changes: it will get colder, snow will fall, plants will prepare for this disruption by dropping leaves, and people will dress warmer. And so cyclically, every 365 days. 

How the planets work in astrology is a bit similar. The difference is that there are more of these cycles and the solar cycle, that is, the year, does not affect us as much as other cycles, such as the cycle of Saturn (29 years) or the cycle of Jupiter (about 11 years). There is such a difference that astrological cycles have a different phase for different people. One may be in the “downward” phase of the Saturn cycle right now, while the other may be in the downhill phase when the career is brilliant. 

What does it depend on? From the hour of birth! Another important difference: the annual weather cycle affects us through temperature, through the flow of light (lots of light in summer, dark in winter), or through humidity. The astrological cycles of the planets operate by themselves, without the mediation of other physical agents. The planets affect us as if they had direct access to our minds. 


What do we associate it with? With an antenna that picks up the waves! But in the case of television antennas, radars or cell phones, these waves are well known to physicists: they are electromagnetic waves. The waves that work in astrology have not yet been identified by physicists. Yes... When studying astrology, we must admit that science does not yet know everything. And even in physics there are white spots. 

The similarity with the antenna was noticed by scientists when they studied how our brain works and how genes work. Let's start with genes. When the genetic recording of information in DNA molecules was deciphered around the year 2000 and genes were counted, it turned out that there were surprisingly few of them. A person has only 25 25 of them. With these XNUMX XNUMX "words" in our cells, the entire recipe for a person is written!  

This is too small for such a complex creature as a human being or any other mammal or other complex organism. Therefore, the English biochemist Rupert Sheldrake put forward a bold hypothesis that our DNA is not so much a “record” of information and a “recipe” for a person, but simply an antenna that receives information that is located somewhere in space, in the corresponding morphic field. . 

Like a television transmission, it is not stored in a receiver, but transmitted through an electromagnetic field. It's the same with the brain and memory. It is commonly said that memory is stored somewhere in the brain. But so far, this information accumulator has not been found anywhere, in any part of the brain, and brain cells do not at all look like equipment for recording information. 

Sheldrake says the same thing: what we remember is not recorded in our brain, but in space, in fields, and the brain is an antenna. Perhaps the fields and waves emitted by the planets somehow interfere with the fields that record our memory and other contents of our mind. Whoever finds out how this happens is worthy of the Nobel Prize! 

When I think about the planets and their influence, I have some experience with pendulums before my eyes (see YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVkdfJ9PkRQ). There are several pendulums of different lengths. Set in motion, they first move along the snake skin, and their balls form a moving wave, a sinusoid. Then this wave breaks up, and the movement becomes chaotic. But then order reappears, and that original serpentine wave is reborn! Then it falls back into chaos. This is directly related to astrology. 

We ourselves and our mind are a bit like a swarm of pendulums (oscillators) from this experience. Usually we live in a state of complete chaos, but from time to time we "remember" the hidden order that is written in us. Then, against the background of many ordinary life actions, one pure and resonant impulse appears in us, for example: “I'm getting married!” either: "I'm creating a company!" Or: "I'm writing a book!". This impulse cuts through the daily chaos of small things. He subdues the issues that we deal with. 

When does this moment come in life? It depends on time. And time is measured by planets. And so our mind returns to astrology, that is, to the planets that define the framework of our life. 



  • Planets, genes and memory