» Magic and Astronomy » Planets for revolutions!

Planets for revolutions!

Revolutions have their own special agent among the planets

Revolutions have their own special agent among the planets. This is Uranus. It was the first planet discovered beyond Saturn, so this fact alone revolutionized astronomy. It was in 1791, when the war for the liberation of the young United States was going on, in Peru the Indians were fighting against the Spaniards, and in the center of the then world, in France, a great revolution was taking place.

 This revolution erupted in 1789 when Uranus found itself in opposition to the then unknown Pluto, a planet ruled by violence and extreme experiences.

It brought not only the overthrow of the monarchy and the beheading of the king and queen, not only terror, but also an extraordinary revolution in customs and religion.

In the 60s, a similar system of planets was repeated - the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto. And again, a wave of moral revolution swept the world: young people listened to rock in droves, wore miniskirts, grew their hair long, and in San Francisco, hippies declared the summer of free love. Student riots in Europe - in Poland it was March 1968. In China, Chairman Mao crossed the Yangtze River, declaring a cultural revolution in which he massacred his disobedient comrades. When Uranus and Pluto divorced around 1970, these revolutionary waves faded as suddenly as they had come before.

What about the October Revolution in Russia in 1917? Uranus also put his fingers to this: he created another aspect with Pluto - octile, or 2013-square. An aspect that is often and unfairly omitted in the chart, and which, in the end, can be dangerous and painful, like square and opposition. Recently, Uranus and Pluto went crazy in 2015-2013 and we still feel their influence. They are quadrature, so the hermetic system carries sharp perturbations. Were there revolutions? Former. In the autumn of XNUMX, the Euromaidan took place, i.e. uprising in Kyiv against the rule of Yanukovych.

In the spring of the following year, 2014, Russia seized Crimea by force of arms and organized uprisings in eastern Ukraine. In June 2014, the Islamic State, or ISIS, was formed, and this aggressive creation haunts the world to this day. Revolutionary upheavals swept Muslims in Europe as well. Last summer, Saturn joined the treaty, and then a wave of refugees from the Arab countries and the rest of Africa hit Europe. The recent massacre at Nice took place when Uranus was irritated by Mars. This connection between Uranus and Pluto has not yet expired. Between February and April 2017, the squaring of these planets, although inaccurate, will again be active. This heralds another wave of interesting times in which we live. In the coming months, we will shine from the sky in a different configuration with revolutionary Uranus at the head - Jupiter Opposition Uranus. Jupiter moves in the sign of Libra, and on the opposite side of the sky, in Aries, Uranus is waiting for him. This confrontation first took hold on Christmas 2016. Then two more times - in March and September 2017.

Jupiter aspects to Uranus have their good side: they bring inventions and scientific discoveries. They make little-known facts, achievements, ideas gain worldwide fame. But they also cause social polarization, forcing people to suddenly and massively make decisions like: from now on, I stay with the “blues” and fight the “greens”. This one is my friend and this one is my enemy. “Who is for us, who is against us!” Combined with the unquenchable influence of Pluto, this means that the coming winter and spring after it will be "hot" in the world.