» Magic and Astronomy » Beware of the boss! A solar eclipse can ruin your formation.

Beware of the boss! A solar eclipse can ruin your formation.

Do you have a brief mental blackout or are you more prone to bullying than usual? Calm down, this is just a solar eclipse in Cancer on July 2nd. On this day, avoid important conversations and perform the solar eclipse ritual.

The solar eclipse will be total, but unfortunately we will not see it in the skies over Poland. Residents of Argentina and Chile, as well as the islands of the Central Pacific Ocean, will be able to admire them. This is fine. And so the solar eclipse in Cancer will affect us. 

Cancer heralds the beginning of summer, and a solar eclipse heralds a new chapter in your life. You'll see.

Be careful, because on the day of the eclipse, i.e. July 2, a conversation with the boss may end in a quarrel. A quarrel with a loved one will turn into throwing his things out the window and parting, and a conversation with a neighbor will turn into a brawl in a hotel and you will talk next time in two years. Use the energy of a solar eclipse.During a solar eclipse, emotions and blood boil. Do not plan important professional events. Do not sign contracts, miss important meetings. It is better to wait, find time to rest, relax and enjoy. 

On the day of a solar eclipse, you may really want to hit someone.

Before doing this, take a deep breath and: 1. Brew yourself herbs: mint will cool, lemon balm will calm the nerves, lavender will relax. Break bad emotions: hit the pillow, exhale as much as possible. Digging a garden, running, riding a bike faster than usual 2. Count to ten! It always helps.In a solar eclipse you will get your wayIn a solar eclipse, you can get annoyed, but the most important thing is that someone will be wise and tell you what to do and how to do it. Stomp your foot and drive the advisers away. Mars and Mercury in Leo will give you confidence, so don't mess with you right now.In the solar eclipse say goodbye to karmaDoes your neck hurt, your back is stiff, it cracks in the cross, your knees ache? No wonder you can carry your problems and take on the problems of others. The New Moon and the eclipse in Cancer will help you deal with this. Check your lunar horoscope. During the July eclipse, the Sun will be in conjunction with the North Node of the Moon, called Rahu, this will help dissolve bad karma. Karmic relationships are those in which everything goes smoothly or those that drag on like the proverbial tripe and butter. You're dating a new guy and all of a sudden they all start texting. Do you have a house after your grandmother, but you just can't get along with your family? A solar eclipse will help you finally leave behind what no longer serves you. Realize it and say goodbye to it right now. 

Crown chakra ritual during a solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse in Cancer is a good time for a ritualduring which you will take care of the crown chakra. You will need coconut oil, two rock crystals and a silver candle. The ritual is best done in the evening. 1. Make sure no one is bothering you. Light a candle: after saying the intention: I am conscious, light 2. Sit in a comfortable position. Rub your scalp with coconut oil. During the massage, imagine that the chakra is gradually opening. 3. Ask for connection with Heaven and Earth. Take the crystals in your hands 4. Breathe. As you inhale, imagine white light streaming through the top of your head. Breathe them out with your mouth. You may feel a tingling sensation on the scalp, pressure on the skull 5. Finish and say thank you. MW
