» Magic and Astronomy » Cleanse your soul and before Easter

Cleanse your soul and before Easter

Our house is a symbol of our interior. When you do your holiday cleaning, clean your soul too. Remember that cleaning is also a good reason to meditate.

If you focus on what you are doing while cleaning, use your senses, listen and observe, you will relax as if you were meditating.

Spring cleaning was once a gamble! After the winter, women went to the river in their underwear, because only its strong, turbulent current washed away all the dirt from winter clothes. These river blankets also had an additional meaning: flowing water freed clothes from bad energy accumulated in them over the winter. You are what you think. That's why it's worth having good thoughts. The things of the sick were washed more carefully and longer, because it was believed that water washes out of them what caused the disease. Wet sheets were left to dry for several hours in the sun. Not in vain. It was deeply believed that the sun saturates it with positive energy and that thanks to this, sleep becomes healthier. In the sunlight, the bed linen also turned white, which was associated with the brightness and crystallinity of souls. Today, an automatic washing machine can handle bad energy, but there is no substitute for the sun. So let's air the bedding on the balcony in good weather, and the sun's rays will still do their job.Get bad emotions out of your closet!

In the spring, women also opened closets and shared clothes. And it is good that this custom has been preserved in many homes. It is not only a pleasure when the inside of the furniture smells of freshness and cleanliness. 

Just like old clothes out of the closet, let's get the bad thoughts out of our heads. It helps to separate things that are not important from things that are important.

Then there is more room for new ideas and emotions. In the wardrobe, we leave only our favorite clothes that have not yet been worn out. In our psyche, they correspond to these values ​​and spiritual experiences, which are pure and which we need most.

Clean windows - great prospects for the future

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. And the symbol of the eyes in our house are ... windows, of course! If you want good prospects for the future, clean your windows thoroughly. Our grandmothers knew that it was not only about the yard being clearly visible from the house, but also about the fact that for happiness you could look into the glass and see what you need! See also: Kiss to the soul. 

What does a love brush have?

It matters a lot too sweeping. Our grandmothers cleaned the yards in the spring birch broomsafter all, the birch was a symbol of purification and rebirth. The first cleansing after the winter corresponded to important psychological work - the organization of thoughts and experiences, both everyday, everyday, and mystical. A rregular sweeping means maintaining order in the whole inner life.

In an orderly interior, all the best and best ideas will appear and there will definitely be a place for new love.