» Magic and Astronomy » In the care of Brigid

In the care of Brigid

If you are not motivated to look for a job or additional sources of income, apply for it! 

If you are not motivated to look for a job or additional sources of income, apply for it! Brigid is the Celtic goddess of streams, holy wells, and artists. And also a home.

Her energies help fill pantries, soothe domestic conflicts, and inspire business. After all, one of the guarantees of peace and prosperity in the family is its financial security. 

So, if you need energy support in finding a job, implementing a business idea, finding additional income that will improve your family, contact Brigitte for support! 

Ritual in honor of Brigid 


  • Every evening, light a candle and lavender incense or oil for her. 
  • As you breathe in the fragrant air, think of all your accomplishments. 
  • Relax and let your imagination run wild. 
  • Pay close attention to the scenes and pictures that come to mind. You will find the answer in them. 



  • In the care of Brigid
    In the care of Brigid