» Magic and Astronomy » Looking for a bonus or promotion? Magic workplace!

Looking for a bonus or promotion? Magic workplace!

Do you want to earn more? Or maybe you feel bad working at the office? Magic rituals will make the place where you spend so much time every day friendly and your colleagues even friendlier. Add a touch of magic to your work.

We spend a third of our lives at work. And sometimes more. What happens there affects our personal lives, health and - indirectly - also our loved ones and even friends or neighbors. It's good if we like what we do, if it brings satisfaction and joy, as well as appropriate rewards. But we know that work is also often a source of stress, nerves, anxiety and extreme exhaustion. So how can we turn our workplace into an oasis of good energy and peace, a source of new ideas?

An angelic ritual for a heavy atmosphere. 

This ritual neutralizes negative energy and bad thoughts sent by nervous, aggressive or unpleasant colleagues. Sitting at your desk, close your eyes and take a few deep, calm breaths to focus on yourself and focus your energy. Imagine a beautiful sparkling rainbow flowing towards you. This is the energy of the angels. Visualize a rainbow flowing through your workplace.

Call on Archangel Raphael three times in your mind and say: “Please, angel, help me cleanse the energy of my workplace, fill it with holy angelic energy.” Take a few breaths again and when you feel calmness pouring over you, say to yourself: “Now I am rested and ready to serve the world, people and myself.”

An easy way to relieve stress at work.

That's very carefully a magical ritual that will calm you down and help you cope with the burden of tasks and the crazy rhythm of life. Arrange five pencils in a shape pentagram so that each end of the arm is marked with one pointed end of a pencil. Touch the tip of your right hand with your index finger (symbolized by the Water element) and ask mentally to allow the element to wash away your tension.

Here is the magical water.

Then touch the end of the lower right hand (Fire) and ask the element to burn all obstacles. Touch the end of your lower left hand (Earth) and ask the element to help you be reasonable and realistic in your intentions. Now touch the left side end (Air) and ask the element to inspire and enhance your intuition. Finally, touch the highest point of the pentagram (symbolizes the spirit) and ask the higher powers for protection and guidance. You can put the pentagram on the side of the tabletop or in a drawer where no one will see it.

Feng Shui: do and earn more!

The energy that flows through your workplace can make your day very productive, or when you're frustrated that you're not getting anything. Therefore, it is good to use Feng Shuito improve Qi places:

• To clean up. Get rid of old, unwanted papers, broken pencils, or broken paper clips. Anything that's broken sucks energy out like a black hole.

• Clean out the trash can, throw away everything unnecessary not only from drawers, but also from your computer.

• Hide telephone and computer cables so that they do not impede the flow of qi.

• If there are diseased or dead plants around you, replace them with healthy ones. Also install ones that give the place a boost of energy, such as a winged flower.

• Hang pictures of your favorite smiling people on your table - a sight that can add wings.

Visualization: when energy is not enough.

Do you feel like you suddenly want to sleep in the middle of the day? A short one-minute visualization will give you strength. Sit up straight with your feet on the floor. Take a few relaxing deep breaths. Raise both hands, put them down. Turn your head to the right and left to relax your neck. Put your hands on your knees. Now imagine a beautiful calm lake reflecting the blue sky and white clouds. Make your mind still and mirror like the surface of a lake.

Learn the secrets of meditation.

Notice passing thoughts like clouds, but don't stop them, let them flow. Feel on a physical and mental level the tension leaving your body and mind. Imagine how white light streams from your feet up your body, filling you with energy. Take a deep breath, open your eyes and go!

From boredom and problems of creativity.

Do you come to work and feel overwhelmed? Use the energy of crystals in pockets:

Tiger's Eye help you reach your daily goal.

serpentine or rhinestone loves compromises.

• Thanks lemonsand it's easier for you to deal with criticism.

• Yellow fluorite this will facilitate teamwork and consultation.

Sodalite Or marines Tables stored in a drawer are a great weapon against complaints and difficult conversations.

Text: Elvira D'Antes