» Magic and Astronomy » Magician says: With knowledge and intuition you will overcome adversity.

Magician says: With knowledge and intuition you will overcome adversity.

This week [April 15-21] you can handle several important tasks. But calm down! Everything will work out if you trust your intuition.

Magus Tarot Card says: Your hands will be busy. The holidays are not ready either. It turns out, however, that there is no better prepared and organized person than you. Even if you've only dealt with theory so far, now it's time for practice. Don't be afraid to take risks, you'll be fine.

In life, your cunning, intelligence and resourcefulness will help you.

Use your knowledge and skills, but also listen to your intuition. However, let go of those activities that have not yet brought results, but are just a waste of time, nerves and energy. Give up on what you are unable to change and stop worrying about it, give yourself a tarot, in love you will see with your own eyes. You will stop believing in empty promises and demanding details. The card was chosen by Katarzyna Ovczarek, an astrologer and tarot reader.