» Magic and Astronomy » Moon in Aries and the power of the One! Take advantage of the chance provided by the planets.

Moon in Aries and the power of the One! Take advantage of the chance provided by the planets.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the cosmos opens the "transfer window" - whatever you decide will start to come true. Think about what you need from the universe? The Moon in Aries and the vibration of One will help you make your dreams come true.

The Moon will be in a strong double system on Wednesday. - he will remain in Aries, in addition, the vibration of Edynka will influence us.  

What does it mean that the Moon is in Aries?

The moon, on average, every two and a half days "visits" a different sign of the zodiac and then acts on us in different ways. When he is in Taurus, we are bolder - he encourages us, for example, to change our hairstyle ... on this day you cannot resist and go to the hedgehog. When he's in Capricorn, we focus on counting (money, calories, friends...everything). When he is in Aquarius, we dream more than usual about traveling, then we tend to buy a ticket for a trip ... even around the world.

On Wednesday and Thursday [May 29-30] the Moon is in Aries, so we can feel like explorers. You want to act with Aries and reach for the stars. It's time to lift the restrictions.

In addition, on Wednesday we are affected by the vibration of Edynka.

What does this mean for us? Every day has a different digital vibration. When we add up all the numbers for today, we get One. As in calculating your own personal number. It is she who gives us the field of action today. As Jedynka gives us the power to create the world, think about what you want to achieve today. What are you dreaming about? It can be money, love, meeting your soulmate. Some will feel the gift to create and create, deciding on the most important thing. For others, the One will give a sense of independence and freedom.

How to use the power of the One?

- Make important appointments - Make important decisions for your home and career - Plan vacations - Date dates - Get out if you really need to. Basically throw away the trash and broken things that are blocking the flow of energy.On Thursday [30.05] the cosmos will continue to radiate creative power. The Moon will still be in Aries, but the Twos with their vibration of the day will convince everyone to work on ideas, even on loose slogans or proposals. These two care about hard work, communication, alliances, planning, and meticulousness with a calculator in hand. 

If you feel weak during the day on Thursday, which may be due to a number of sensations, take a nap or close your eyes for a minute.

How do finger vibrations affect us?

The One has the power of the creator of the world.

Two helps protect yourself, loved ones and the environment. 

- Three brings the need to communicate with others and constantly exchange information.

- The Four sends hard work, but also a decent salary.

- Five brings love and business sense.

- Six is ​​creative and logical.

- Seven can be capricious and emotional, but sensitive and responsive.

- Eights are lucky for life - they succeed in everything.

“Nines are impulsive and capricious, but they have the greatest gift to connect with everything and everyone.PZ
