» Magic and Astronomy » Capricorn menu

Capricorn menu

Capricorn loves homemade food. He loves delicious traditional food.

Capricorns are practical, they like a measured lifestyle and fixed meal times, for which they eat delicious, but simple dishes or what is easy to prepare and inexpensive. They count calories, but they rarely have to because they can be moderate. Therefore, under this sign it is difficult to meet obese people!

They often cultivate eating habits learned at home., they follow the recipes of mom and grandmother. When cooking for others, Capricorn tries very hard, but eats little at the table. However, the quality of the food is usually important to him.

So he reads the ingredients on the packaging to see if there are too many chemicals, and he also always checks to see what percentage of herring is in herring in cream.

Capricorns love root vegetables, spices, smoked cheeses. (for example, oscypek) and cold cuts, dried sausages, kabanos sausages, mushrooms, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries. They love everything that grows near the ground or underground, so they are big fans of truffles, and if they cannot afford real truffles, they are drawn to at least the extracts from these exquisite mushrooms.

They love traditional home-like kitchen décor, not the cool cooking lab that some interior design magazines suggest. They use gadgets that make work easier, but in moderation. All they need is a mixer, a modern oven and an electric meat grinder. Tradition!

Capricorn's Favorite Foods:

broth, onion soup with cumin and nutmeg, red borscht; piece of meat in horseradish sauce, turkey with blueberries, duck with apples, pork chop, traditional vegetables such as carrots and peas, beets or cabbage, celery salad with nuts.


Dry red and white wine, liqueurs, spirits.

Elzbieta Bazger

  • Capricorn menu