» Magic and Astronomy » When is it time to love and when to relax? Listen to the Moon in the signs!

When is it time to love and when to relax? Listen to the Moon in the signs!

On Tuesday, you want to fall in love to death, and on Wednesday, love is not in your head, because you are thinking about ... a household budget. Why such a change of interests? The moon does it! The Moon moves from sign to sign every two days, changing how we think and feel. See how the Moon works in the signs and make the most of its variable energy.

The influence of the moon on well-being

Are you the master of your life? Oh no! We are driven by the Moon - we depend on the signs of the zodiac in which the Moon resides. The moon changes to a different zodiac sign every two days and then "wants" to do something else. No need to fight with yourself, but it is best to use the power of the moon and know its whims. You can find the sign of the moon right now on the calendar page on the main page of Astromagic, remember that the phases of the moon are also important to us. New moon, full moon and quarters have a big impact on our lives. If you want to know what phase the moon is in, you need a lunar calendar. Living with the Moon in the background is good because the Moon is not manipulative, she suggests. When you trust him, everything will begin to flow calmly, without hurricanes and earthquakes. 

Moon in signs - how does it affect us?

Moon in Aries

Sends irritation and anger, and sometimes a desire to move away from everything. Aries also increases libido, relaxes it when flirting. And it usually serves passionate nights. Good for: interviews, dating, signing contracts, finding hobbies, big parties with friends.

Angry at: talking about promotion with the boss - our ego is too big. Trying to save the relationship, we are more likely to destroy everything.

Moon in Taurus 

It portends peace, order, more than usual, the desire for various pleasures, such as eating, listening to music, reading. Taurus is sensual, takes care of relationships with a partner, friends and children.Good for: problem solving, dispute resolution, love, going out with friends for ice cream or hot chocolate.

Angry at: force yourself and loved ones to clean up, instruct children.

Moon in Gemini 

This is pure happiness, strength, energy, sex appeal. Perfect for long evenings with friends. Gemini love to talk, laugh loudly and hold their breath. So plan to figure out the subtleties in a relationship or at work, but be careful! There are no clients. Gemini is too honest.Good for: barbecues, concerts, spontaneous dates and vacation trips, as well as moving.

Angry at: gullibility, keeping secrets, showing empathy - Gemini has problems with this.

Moon in Cancer 

He needs time, thoughts, hours at the place of power to strengthen his aura. Family and household chores come to the fore, emotions are very important. What will happen? Romantic dates, especially when someone is planning a pregnancy. Good for: understanding one's own feelings and expressing them, meditation, home spa, self-development.

Angry at: first dates, meeting strangers, flirting.

Moon in Leo 

This is a time of flirting, dating, acquisition, prestige. The days will be joyful and creative, and the nights intoxicating, but also gentle, Leo releases tenderness and romanticism. Beware of jealousy.Good for: meetings, events or virtual exchanges with the world: creating a blog or YouTube channel.

Angry at: sitting alone at home meeting someone who is sick.

Moon in Virgo

It is associated with criticism, pouting, and anger towards the environment. Then it’s easy to offend someone, so it’s better not to go to career-changing meetings, first dates, gossip with a friend, because she will get her anyway.Good for: stay home alone.

Angry at: Hearing about the problems of others, Virgo loves to advise, that is, in her case, take a steam bath. 

Moon in Libra 

This is gentleness, understanding and willingness to help. It is easier to accept, to plan something, to make a decision. On this day, you can do anything - Libra relaxes and realizes. First dates and interviews will go smoothly!Good for: listening to confessions, helping others at work or in a relationship, adopting a belt from a shelter, caring for children or elderly relatives.

Angry at: isolate yourself from your family. 

Moon in Scorpio

It evokes hostility, frustration, but also sex appeal. It is worth hiding in your loneliness, preferably with a partner, in order to find peace together. How? What do you like better - silence, reading, sex or a long break for plates.Good for: sex, intrigue, gossip, quarrels, solving mysteries.

Angry at: be alone with yourself. 

Moon in Sagittarius 

These are ideas, plans, willingness to act. There is no better time than now to start a new business, move, learn new information and organize your life... and others. Plan trips, dates, go to the movies or go for pizza - do whatever you want, but do not hide at home alone.Good for: meetings, jokes, dates. Also, when talking with officials or lawyers, we will understand what they mean.

Angry at: neglect of children and partner.

Moon in Capricorn

This appeasement, melancholy, willingness to analyze and discuss everything, the need to be alone. Some may be scared, others depressed and reluctant to speak. Allow yourself to be more circumspect, including to your emotions and moods. Relationships with the Moon in Capricorn can always bring lessons. But interests and pacts will be permanent.Good for: lonely evenings, walks with a belt or hugs with a cat. Conversations with an accountant.

Angry at: meetings with a large group.

Moon in Aquarius

It opens you up to peace, friendship, love, helps you plan your future because it eliminates your fears. But Aquarius serves to change the mood, readiness to command others, to counteract - after all, Aquarius is free and independent.Good for: persuade friends to buy cheap tickets to the ends of the world together, bold dates, for example, on the roof of an apartment building or in a car.

Angry at: meeting with ex. 

Moon in Pisces

This is romance, big emotions, emotions. It is better not to make any decisions, but to decide what to eat for dinner. The days of Pisces are dreamy and the nights are tender. Feelings over some may take over, we may suddenly want to return to the old.Good for: analyzing your feelings, trusting, but only trusted people - a friend, neighbor or mother.

Angry at: looking for a new love on the Internet.